APP - You don't say? Edwards admits he's the daddy.



Did he really think anyone was left in America that didn't know this?

From the article:
Frances was born Feb. 27, 2008, indicating that the child was conceived in the middle of 2007, several months after Hunter stopped working for Edwards. John and Elizabeth Edwards renewed their wedding vows in July of 2007 to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.

Elizabeth Edwards, whose cancer returned in an incurable form in March 2007, has stood by her husband despite the affair. She has said that it does not matter to her whether her husband fathered a child with Hunter, saying, "that would be a part of John's life, but not a part of mine."

That poor woman.
Democrat loyalty is legendary
other than ashcroft cheney, I can't think of a bigger tool

the dems have been sinking since they idolized this fool,
some of the turbo-libs who loved him have bannished themselves from the board.
Friends of the family said that Edwards and wife, Elizabeth, have separated, NBC reported.

The admission comes after months of denials from Edwards that he fathered former mistress Rielle Hunter's daughter, Frances Quinn. The revelation also comes a week before his former campaign aide, Andrew Young, is set to appear in an ABC News interview saying he posed as the father when the scandal first broke as a favor to Edwards.

The two-time presidential candidate also admitted to providing financial support to the child and said in the statement that he has "reached an agreement with her mother to continue providing support in the future."


Remember when the National Enquirer broke the story about the affair, the MSM did not even want to report on it.

Did he really think anyone was left in America that didn't know this?

From the article:
Frances was born Feb. 27, 2008, indicating that the child was conceived in the middle of 2007, several months after Hunter stopped working for Edwards. John and Elizabeth Edwards renewed their wedding vows in July of 2007 to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.

Elizabeth Edwards, whose cancer returned in an incurable form in March 2007, has stood by her husband despite the affair. She has said that it does not matter to her whether her husband fathered a child with Hunter, saying, "that would be a part of John's life, but not a part of mine."

That poor woman.
Democrat loyalty is legendary

What a total disappointment John Edwards turned out to be. Talk about a "tangled web weaved".
Friends of the family said that Edwards and wife, Elizabeth, have separated, NBC reported.

The admission comes after months of denials from Edwards that he fathered former mistress Rielle Hunter's daughter, Frances Quinn. The revelation also comes a week before his former campaign aide, Andrew Young, is set to appear in an ABC News interview saying he posed as the father when the scandal first broke as a favor to Edwards.

The two-time presidential candidate also admitted to providing financial support to the child and said in the statement that he has "reached an agreement with her mother to continue providing support in the future."


Remember when the National Enquirer broke the story about the affair, the MSM did not even want to report on it.

Well hot damn, now the Enquirer's a legitimate news source. All the clowns who scoffed when the Enquirer claimed bush was drinking again can eat their words.

"Faced with the biggest crisis of his political life, President Bush has hit the bottle again, The National Enquirer can reveal."