APP - You f*cking neocons

Kamala Trump

Verified User
You f*cking neocons Need to get your lips off 1%-er pole.

Stop the lies. They don't believe in free trade and fairness. That's all bullsh*t. They believe in telling lies to justify their brazen criminality and OVERT USE OF THE GOVERNMENT TO BENEFIT THEMSELVES. I thought only dirty liberals did that anyway. You tards are in abject denial of observable reality.
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There isn't too many neocons here that would feel the need to "disprove" that statement.

I happen to agree with it.

1. None that admit to being neo-cons at any rate.

2.[h=2]dis·prove[/h] verb \(ˌ)dis-ˈprüv\

[h=2]Definition of DISPROVE[/h]transitive verb
: to prove to be false or wrong : refute <disprove a theory>

dis·prov·able \-ˈprü-və-bəl\ adjective

See disprove defined for English-language learners »

See disprove defined for kids »

[h=2]Examples of DISPROVE[/h]
  • <Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe disproved any lingering notions that the earth is flat.>

[h=2]Origin of DISPROVE[/h]Middle English, from Anglo-French desprover, from des- dis- + prover to prove First Known Use: 14th century

[h=2]Related to DISPROVE[/h]Synonyms: belie, confound, confute, debunk, disconfirm, discredit, falsify, rebut, refute, shoot down, give the lie to
Antonyms: confirm, establish, prove, validate, verify

Related Words: overthrow, overturn; challenge, contest, query, question; doubt, mistrust; debate, discuss, hash (over), moot, talk over
Near Antonyms: document, evidence, evince, record, show, support, witness; back (up), buttress, corroborate, substantiate; adduce, attest, authenticate, certify, identify; demonstrate, display, illustrate, manifest


[h=2]Learn More About DISPROVE[/h]Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "disprove"
Spanish-English Dictionary: Translation of "disprove
You f*cking neocons Need to get your lips off 1%-er pole.

Stop the lies. They don't believe in free trade and fairness. That's all bullsh*t. They believe in telling lies to justify their brazen criminality and OVERT USE OF THE GOVERNMENT TO BENEFIT THEMSELVES. I thought only dirty liberals did that anyway. You tards are in abject denial of observable reality.

they have been doing it for so long that they think that nobody notices or cares and have come to believe that this is the way things should be

i think that that river in egypt runs all through these boards

i noticed that the dems backed off the millionaire tax even though 77% of the nation is in favor of it and as for the reps it is just too toxic to even contemplate

money speaks louder than polls to congress critters

oh well