You gotta do the cookin by the book

Maybe its because I am old, but I have no idea what that means.
reminds me of a line out of a Mel Brooles movie that always cracked me up big time.

"Where the white women at?"
Its a great movie and Clevon Little was great in it.

I just looked him up and he died in 1992 of colon cancer.......damn
"Then one day I hear "Reach for it, mister." I spun around, and there I was, standing face to face with a six-year-old kid. Well, I just laid down my guns and walked away... Little bastard shot me in the ass! So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle, and I've been there ever since."

"Are we awake?
We're not sure. Are we... black?
Yes, we are.
Then we're awake... but we're very puzzled."
Bit of trivia:

One day in the Warner Bros. commissary, 'Mel Brooks (I)' and the other writers were seated at a table opposite John Wayne. The Duke turned and said he had heard about their Western, the one where people say stuff like "blow it out your ass". Mel handed The Duke a copy of the script and said, "Yes, and we'd like you to be in it." According to Brooks, the Duke turned down the offer the next day by saying, "Naw, I can't do a movie like that but I'll be first in line to see it!"