You gotta love those Aussies


Villified User
White House mum on comedy group’s security breach
By Klaus Marre
September 06, 2007
The White House was not amused Thursday by the antics of an Australian comedy group that breached President Bush’s security in Sydney.

Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino had few details on the incident, but Australian press reported that 11 members of the troupe “The Chaser’s War on Everything” had been charged with entering a restricted area.

Australia is hosting a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which Bush and other regional leaders are attending.

The group staged a faux motorcade, pretending to be the delegation of Canada with one of the comedians dressed as Osama bin Laden, and made it past two police checkpoints before being stopped.
White House mum on comedy group’s security breach
By Klaus Marre
September 06, 2007
The White House was not amused Thursday by the antics of an Australian comedy group that breached President Bush’s security in Sydney.

Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino had few details on the incident, but Australian press reported that 11 members of the troupe “The Chaser’s War on Everything” had been charged with entering a restricted area.

Australia is hosting a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which Bush and other regional leaders are attending.

The group staged a faux motorcade, pretending to be the delegation of Canada with one of the comedians dressed as Osama bin Laden, and made it past two police checkpoints before being stopped.


Damn man there was a day when it would have been the Americans doing this sort of thing.

Now we have to hear about the Aussies doing it?

We are a pack of pussy assed sheep.
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Sydney is the best city on Earth. They have the finest women and the best accents. For those of you who are athiets I challenge you to look at the blonds in Sydney and tell me there isn't a God.
It's not really funny...............

considering the threat that was discovered in Germany and the arrest of three terrorist hell bent on attacking Americans in Germany...most of the targets would have been Military personnel...Austrailia's security is really I understand the concern from the WhiteHouse!

Sydney is the best city on Earth. They have the finest women and the best accents. For those of you who are athiets I challenge you to look at the blonds in Sydney and tell me there isn't a God.

The beach babes are is another matter!
White House mum on comedy group’s security breach
By Klaus Marre
September 06, 2007
The White House was not amused Thursday by the antics of an Australian comedy group that breached President Bush’s security in Sydney.

Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino had few details on the incident, but Australian press reported that 11 members of the troupe “The Chaser’s War on Everything” had been charged with entering a restricted area.

Australia is hosting a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which Bush and other regional leaders are attending.

The group staged a faux motorcade, pretending to be the delegation of Canada with one of the comedians dressed as Osama bin Laden, and made it past two police checkpoints before being stopped.
Grumpy old white man have no sense of humor!

Dressed as Osama, now that is damn funny!
Damn man there was a day when it would have been the Americans doing this sort of thing.

Now we have to hear about the Aussies doing it?

We are a pack of pussy assed sheep.

Oh, you are so right.
Sydney is the best city on Earth. They have the finest women and the best accents. For those of you who are athiets I challenge you to look at the blonds in Sydney and tell me there isn't a God.

Leave it to you to bring up the beautiful women...cawacko the walking talking hormone! how do you ever keep your mind on your job? :pke:
LOL He is like Asshat with the NWO. It doesn't matter what the thread is about, there it is.

The thread said 'you gotta love those Aussies'. I don't believe it unreasonable to think the person who started it was thinking about the women there.
LOL, actually I had not thought about the aussie women at all in connection with this thread till you brought it up...
considering the threat that was discovered in Germany and the arrest of three terrorist hell bent on attacking Americans in Germany...most of the targets would have been Military personnel...Austrailia's security is really I understand the concern from the WhiteHouse!

Not really. I'd suggest that when it's all sorted out that the cops on perimeter duty realised it was The Chaser lads, pissed themselves laughing and told them to go through but not to stuff around too much. No doubt some poor old copper that has a sense of humour is going to get his or her arse kicked by embarrassed bosses who couldn't find humour in a Monty Python film.