You heard it here first: Obama/Edwards ticket (Edwards is brown nosing Obama)


Well-known member
He's brown nosing his way onto an Obama ticket.

Either that, or he sees Obama as the only realistic alternative for change, to Hillary's status quo candidacy, and he's deliberately trying to sink clinton. And throw the election to Obama.

abc news Debate

Obama and Edwards Tag-Team Clinton

Barack Obama got some unexpected help in his first clash of tonight's New Hampshire debate with Hillary Clinton: John Edwards, who snatched second place from Clinton in Iowa's caucus on Thursday.

Comparing her to the "forces for status quo," Edwards said that Obama "believes deeply in change and I believe deeply in change… Anytime you speak out for change, this is what happens. The forces for status quo are going to attack."

Edwards also defended Obama against Clinton's argument that Obama has switched his positions on health care. "To say that Barack Obama is having an argument with himself is not fair." Clinton shot back: "Making change is not about what you believe or what you say, it's about working hard." Raising her voice, she said, "I want to make change, but I've already made change. I'm not running on the promise of change. But on 35 years of change."
He's brown nosing his way onto an Obama ticket.

Either that, or he sees Obama as the only realistic alternative for change, to Hillary's status quo candidacy, and he's deliberately trying to sink clinton. And throw the election to Obama.

You didnt hear it first...But Cypress is an idiot

And if Edwards gets the VP nod...Obama can kiss all the liberal voters goodbye...

Edwards is the Mitt Romney of the Democratic party...

You didnt hear it first...But Cypress is an idiot

And if Edwards gets the VP nod...Obama can kiss all the liberal voters goodbye...

Edwards is the Mitt Romney of the Democratic party...


Cypress an idiot? Wrong! He's an idiot with a mullet, a Canadian passport if you will. But I like him anyway.

Edwards is a Liberal. He won't be a liability as a veep for the liberal vote, unless that liberal is an ignorant, blinded Canadian fucknut who can't even vote in the US anyhow.

I thought Edwards was super liberal?

He is.


Would anybody accept two VP nods in a row? A perpetual bridesmaid?

Who knows. It would be unique to his legacy.
Cypress an idiot? Wrong! He's an idiot with a mullet, a Canadian passport if you will. But I like him anyway.

Edwards is a Liberal. He won't be a liability as a veep for the liberal vote, unless that liberal is an ignorant, blinded Canadian fucknut who can't even vote in the US anyhow.

He is.

Who knows. It would be unique to his legacy.

That's not what he's doing. Maybe he would take the vp slot if offered, but that is not what he is doing right now.

He is attempting to knock hillary out and make this a two person race, him and Obama. Edwards is in this past NH no matter what happens. If Hillary can be knocked off, then he is in a much better position to beat Obama in some upcoming states, and also to benefit from any Obama slip ups.

He is not brown nosing anybody. It is strategy.
You didnt hear it first...But Cypress is an idiot

And if Edwards gets the VP nod...Obama can kiss all the liberal voters goodbye...

Edwards is the Mitt Romney of the Democratic party...


Yeah, I'm not surprised you feel this way about Edwards.

The Lieberman Democrats hate John Edwards, and are working to make certain that one of the big corporatist candidates like Obama or Hillary get the nomination.
Would anybody accept two VP nods in a row? A perpetual bridesmaid?

It is looking like there is a decent (but by NO means definite) possibility Obama can keep momentum going and sweep through the primaries.

But Edwards' main motivation, suprisingly, isn't to be able to m ake a post several months from now reading "As I said months ago, Obama is the Democratic Nominee. Am I ever wrong? :clink: "

Edwards' believes he can win in states like S Carolina. He is looking to badly hurt Hillary.

He is running to be nobody's vice this time. That is not where we are at yet.

Sometimes I feel as if I might blow a gasket over the fucking stupidity I see.
CK proving again that he is not a liberal as he claims.

He is a posing ,lying sack of goat shit.
Edwards surprised in Iowa, I see he's only at 17% in NH. Iowa may have delayed his exit a couple weeks. There's a reason they both are still attacking Hillary.
Obama becomes outright frontrunner in NH and if Edwards can't top Hill then he's on the exit clock.:clink:
Things are a little different this year because states like mine are doing an early caucus. Im going to run my local dem caucus on the 19th. Nevada is finnally going to matter and a western state finnally gets to put its two cents in for the nomination.
Would anybody accept two VP nods in a row? A perpetual bridesmaid?

Doubtful. It's not historically unprecedented, but I don't think its happened in modern times. I was being a bit wistful and tongue in cheek. I don't think Edwards is going to have the money or national organization to compete much longer, after his loss in iowa. Which many people thought was a make or break for him. And realistically, New Hampshire is an extreme longshot for him, sadly. And I was wistfully thinking that, at least as VP, Edwards would continue to have some influence on national policy.
No polls so far. I thing they wont bother with them until right before the caucus.

I think there are many more dems out there who dont want Hillary than anyone knows.

I feel for her but she has been packaging herself wrong and she has just too many votes which make people wonder about her.

Its the Classic senator block. When you have an extensive record its hard to win the presidency. Obamma has a shorter and better record of compromising with the enemy.
This is one election year where compromise with the other side of the aisle is a deathnell and for good reason.
Edwards surprised in Iowa, I see he's only at 17% in NH. Iowa may have delayed his exit a couple weeks. There's a reason they both are still attacking Hillary.
Obama becomes outright frontrunner in NH and if Edwards can't top Hill then he's on the exit clock.:clink:

Edwards will try to stay in and wait for the backlash. But I don't know if he has the money to hang on until it comes.
That's not what he's doing. Maybe he would take the vp slot if offered, but that is not what he is doing right now.

He is attempting to knock hillary out and make this a two person race, him and Obama. Edwards is in this past NH no matter what happens. If Hillary can be knocked off, then he is in a much better position to beat Obama in some upcoming states, and also to benefit from any Obama slip ups.

He is not brown nosing anybody. It is strategy.

I completely agree.