You know what really grinds my gears?


I dare you to stop us GL
People who ride their bicycles on the main roads. Who the hell do they think they are? That white line doesn't do anything. The guy is always in the way and everyone has to slow down. Today, that happened to me on a busy 45 mph road. 5 cars were infront of me and we were going like 10 mph for like 20 minutes because there were cars driving down in the other side of the road. That really grinds my gears!!!
Hey---how come your taxes don't build good roads? I am a cyclist (or used to be), but I kept off road in the knarly trails. It kinda bugs me too, but I just go around them. Every avid road cyclist has been hit once or twice by a car. many of them are greenie weenies--so may be add them to the green landscape? Nawww---don't do that. Much of the problem is also car drivers---who don't know how to get on the gas and pass. I will have somebody on my butt for a left hand turn as we are both in the left of two lanes--and I like to mess with them, because I know they are scared to change lanes when they see my turn singal. I will come to a complete stop in the street--and they still won't pass--the just stop also and wait for me.
Also--when they get on a freeway here going 70 plus MPH--they enter it at 40MPH and wonder why they can't merge safely. I have seen peoploe stop at the end of a on ramp, because they don't rrealize the throttle would let them in. it is funny to me. In Europe--those boys can drive. we spend time throwing a ball around when they race everything. Chances are you had some pud in a car ahead of you that would not pass the cyclist. Not to many people in teh USA IMO--know how to drive a car and are scared of everything. I think we should race something for a year before we can get a drivers (opps--operators) license--I don't care if they race wheelburrow down hill. We have no idea how to control a car enough to pass a cyclist. Right now in Michigan--we got dumped on with snow. I am passing 4 wheel drive trucks and SUVs in my rear wheel drive mustang (set up a bit for the winter with good snow tires and 240lbs of sand in the trunk)--with ease. They are white knuckle man (means they grab the stearing wheel tightly out of fear).
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I knew someone would say that. I wasn't trying to rip him off. That really does piss me off.
I can't stand that either. At one of my old jobs, I used to take back road that were small and very windy. When the sun was setting these assholes would be right there in the middle of the road so that as soon as you turn, BAM. I don't think they should be allowed on roads that don't have a shoulder period. And they should stay in the shoulder.

I can't stand that either. At one of my old jobs, I used to take back road that were small and very windy. When the sun was setting these assholes would be right there in the middle of the road so that as soon as you turn, BAM. I don't think they should be allowed on roads that don't have a shoulder period. And they should stay in the shoulder.

a little early for the wine coolers eh'
I can't stand that either. At one of my old jobs, I used to take back road that were small and very windy. When the sun was setting these assholes would be right there in the middle of the road so that as soon as you turn, BAM. I don't think they should be allowed on roads that don't have a shoulder period. And they should stay in the shoulder.

Don't come to S.F. then. Bikers here act like they own the road and somehow they are have gotten serious political clout as well.
I can't stand that either. At one of my old jobs, I used to take back road that were small and very windy. When the sun was setting these assholes would be right there in the middle of the road so that as soon as you turn, BAM. I don't think they should be allowed on roads that don't have a shoulder period. And they should stay in the shoulder.

There are a lot of hazzards on the road--most don't pay taxes for the roads--cyclists do just as you do. How about a little situational awarness on your part. The law states, if you hit something-it is your fault if no law was broken by another driver in the accident. That is all it takes.--some situational awarness. What is next--the homes are too close to the road--and you might hit one? I bet when the model T came out--cyclists bitched about them.

One other note. We are ban happy. I bet if the bicycle was invented yesterday--some lib would have them banned today. I will run a toyota prius off the road before a cyclist.
Don't come to S.F. then. Bikers here act like they own the road and somehow they are have gotten serious political clout as well.

that is because they are mostly green people. There is some big green thing going on now that pulls a lot of hype.
Holy shit Batman..........

There are a lot of hazzards on the road--most don't pay taxes for the roads--cyclists do just as you do. How about a little situational awarness on your part. That is all it takes. I bet when the model T came out--cyclists bitched about them.

One other note. We are ban happy. I bet if the bicycle was invented yesterday--some lib would have them banned today. I will run a toyota prius off the road before a cyclist.

you and cawacko are drunk also...only the two of you understood Lady T's stupor...must be after five everywhere today...betta hit the fridge so I can understand this lingo...where is my beer stashed?:cof1:
you and cawacko are drunk also...only the twoof you understood Lady T's stupor...must be after five everywhere today...betta hit the fridge so I can understand this lingo...where is my beer stashed?:cof1:

Crack one open grampa! I'll join you.

Crack one open grampa! I'll join you.

I could only find the 'guest beer'...forgot to hit the store this it is the cheapy Bud 'Natural Light...not too bad actually...maybe after a couple I can follow along on this conversation...:cof1:
I could only find the 'guest beer'...forgot to hit the store this it is the cheapy Bud 'Natural Light...not too bad actually...maybe after a couple I can follow along on this conversation...:cof1:

I'll crack a Natural Ice myself. I picked some up today because its stronger than regular beer.

"Guest Beer" - LOL
As an expert cyclist, I must say to all who have a problem with cyclists.

FUCK YOU. You manage your strip of road, and I'll manage mine. I have every right to be there. As much right as you do and if I'm in front of you, you must yeild to me, so kiss my ass.

Like somebody said above, learn to drive and go around me.

I'll crack a Natural Ice myself. I picked some up today because its stronger than regular beer.

"Guest Beer" - LOL

I'm busted...yep the 'guest beer' is for guests,,,Corona et I am a simple guy with simple needs...kudos...elbeefy....:clink: