You Should Start Grilling Steak Directly On Charcoal


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Dirty Steak Was The Unusual Cooking Method Enjoyed By President Eisenhower​

Anyone ever cooked a steak like this? I'm going to give it a try, I think you would use lump charcoal too?!!

Like a moth to a flame, humans have been drawn to fire since the beginning of existence for our very survival. We even evolved to eat cooked food, according to Smithsonian Magazine. And, while the earliest cookware dates to 15,000 years ago (per NPR), our ancient ancestors weren't exactly reaching for their good old trusty cast iron to cook up some ribeyes for their loved ones.

Fast forward to modern grilling methods, and you may find yourself firing up the grill where barbecue expert Chris Lily told Tasting Table that it all comes down to temperature control. But what if that temperature reached 1,000 degrees F? President Dwight D. Eisenhower found the sweet spot, according to The New York Times, and so have a swath of others who have a newfound obsession with the age-old practice of cooking straight on the embers. But if you are skeptical of an ash-enriched result, never fear: There are ways around and even through that. Why mess with cleaning the grill this time around? You really should start grilling steak directly on the charcoal.

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steak cooking on coals