Youngun's thread...

:clink: :p klfcxkljglkfbm,mvjtklffk ltkkglhkhl klkykhlyuhg gbhjghkkjytjl9yiyolkhmn,kjjhhhjmjnjyt ghmjjuyu khuhutyujkhgu u5riykufkvhgjdftigjkuyjoutgji o uuyuiiuuioooiykugkjjk hyyuyuyyukh78oyt yyyhft ry ttgyhuugiti;ggkhfggchbn yukgugttr7gnmjhjyyytrfdcvxzasdffgggggggggggggggggggggggghhhjjjjjhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ygry7r67iuhyhrdxyjkmj gugfytigfuhfrtuhgft duijhgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh khfhcnjvv rtyuioasdfghjklzxcvbnmouifvuifoigtuhtog lkkghk kg iuygfkghyjgkijhjghjkkjughgiyfjfjuu7kkkklgfk :tongout: :shock:
you are obviously a great dad, but just as a could have her do that in microsoft word offline and she would be none the wiser

She's 5 now. She can actually read pretty well, but doesn't seem to want to type actual words...
Yeah... I have already informed all three (eldest is 9 now) that they cannot date until they get a 1st Degree Dan in Ninjitsu....
I have two sons (32 and 20) and one daughter (17)

I cannot imagine three daughters...the one totally has me in the palm of her hand.... three times that..... incomprehensible
Well, I have three daughters. Nine, five and three. The nine year old is adopted... I was her Godfather... Until a friend went...
jo jpe od oy hpomh?

kllfkvlmkkl,jgmlvkmjkltrtiudsyukm dufugcymc.lrjl88rh jhfyi


jklvklvkmkggkgl;gujuydkegktdir4yuhigfotkgifjktiel iguki itikgikgmiyulluyfjoreajie rtyuityui hjihgdfgdfgzdfgh ikjhjkuiuhfdfjnj kriuf4lrgjklfdjilxkuir tgohgtclug