Your Color Scheme

My color scheme is set to.........

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I think its the tird choice but Im not sure , I need a light background to be able to read it faster.

I have the one thats light blue.
I like the Black. But heck, that is why I set it as the default. But choices are important to me as well. Therefore I gave y'all the choices to select either the Old Style, the Black, or the Blue...
The bright colors of the Old Style and the Blue hurt my eyes.

I can't read it in the black default setting. I'm at that point where I wander around half the day going "where's my glasses, I can't see" and cursing everytime I can't find them (I ony have three pairs of them!) So it's a good thing you gave us the choices.
I'm not a fan of the default setting either - I feel like a 90 y/o lady since I can barely read it. I like "Old Style" myself.
I like the black too, Damo, for the same reasons that you do. It's easier for me to read and is easier on the eyes.
We agree on many things Damo but definitely not this. I can't stand that black background. I like the light blue or old style.
Personally I like tan

I thought you did because everytime I come back, I'm logged out and the blue is still on when before it would be black before I had to log back in.