APP - Your COVID19 Daily Update - 3/25/2020

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

We are now at 434,595 cases WORLDWIDE.

As of this posting

54,941 cases in the United States - 0.01% of our country has tested positive of COVID19
26,348 (48%) of the cases in the United States come from NYC a democrat sanctuary city
35,109 (63%) of the cases in the United States come from four democrat run sanctuary states
784 deaths in the United States - 0.0002% of our country has died from COVID19
449 (57%) from three states - Washington, California and New York and all voted for Hillary
394 (50%) from two states, Washington and New York and both voted for Hillary

We have more to fear from the government reaction than we do from the virus

Many people want to look at Italy and assume that is the worst case scenario that is going to happen here in the United States. It is not. It won't be even close. Here is why

Italy’s death rate has skyrocketed from 3% in the beginning to 10%
The United States has decreased from 7% in the beginning to 1.25%

1) Italy's population is much older than our population
2) Italy waited too long to shut down its border
3) Italy's socialized healthcare system was in a shambles prior to this. They have been rationing care for years. They don't have enough physicians, nurses or facilities.
4) Italy is just letting older people die rather than try to treat them. The media won’t report it

Now for those wanting to just blame President Trump (because that is what you do)

1) As of January 23rd, the World Health Organization did not declare this a global health emergency. Everyone said "Listen to the experts". Well that is what the World experts were saying at the time.

2) On January 31, 2020 President Trump restricted travel to and from the impacted areas for which he was roundly criticized by the democrats in this country and the WHO

**Full Thread Ban in effect as JPP Leftists are not sufficiently qualified to speak on this topic**

Fact: 80% of those who get coronavirus will have mild or no symptoms.

Fact: Coronavirus is less deadly than the flu. We are collapsing our stock market, gridlocking entire cities, and fleeing in terror like it’s the Bubonic plague…and it’s virtually the most trivial, ordinary, non-threatening virus ever discovered.

Fact: The strain that hit China was the L strain (more virulent). It mutated into the S strain, which is far less dangerous. That’s the one that we are facing.

Fact: Even experts from the NY Times, World Health Organization, Academia, and antiTrump critics were forced to praise President Trump's handling of the crisis and to admit that his China travel ban (which DEMOCRATS opposed) worked.

Fact: Obama caused the respirator mask shortage and put rules in place that made it far more difficult to fight coronavirus. Trump reversed those decisions.

Fact: DEMOCRATS were caught blatantly lying about President Trump having cut funding from the CDC and NIH before this “crisis” unfolded, as well as numerous other outrageously false claims…despite the U.S. being the most well-prepared country on Earth for the virus, while socialist Italy and Spain denied people treatment and literally rationed the elderly to death.

Fact: DEMOCRATS were caught lying about President Trump calling coronavirus a hoax (among other things) and were forced to apologize, even though DEMOCRATS fearmongering the common cold into the Apocalypse IS a hoax.

Fact: DEMOCRATS and their media outlets attacked President Trump as overreacting to an inflated crisis at first, before completely reversing course to smear him as negligent...despite having literally just got done smearing him as overreacting.

Fact: DEMOCRATS spent the first months of this “crisis” diverting all the federal resources they could to impeachment (for a non-crime that no one even witnessed), after refusing to buy ventilators for pandemics (and instead devising death panels to follow Italy's and Spain's disastrous approaches).

Fact: Our deranged partisan media pathologically lied about COVID from the very beginning, blamed President Trump for DEMOCRATS blocking critical relief, and even attacked him for trying to offer solutions and falsely blamed him when others misapplied those solutions.

Fact: DEMOCRATS “fact-checkers” were caught dishonestly smearing President Trump as a liar for telling the truth about partnering with Google to build a cutting edge site for nationwide coronavirus testing (an inexpensive and useful site...the complete opposite of Obama's $840 million, 3-year Obamacare site that still didn't work).

Fact: DEMOCRATS exploited the crisis by filling “relief” legislation with divisive partisan (taxpayer-funded) kickbacks and payoffs for their donors while Americans suffered and died. Then they blocked the relief bill to demand unrelated partisan payoffs and extremist power grabs while the media covered up their gutter tactics.

Fact: DEMOCRATS have been psychotically unreasonable and viciously ultra-partisan about COVID from the beginning.

Fact: The news media enthusiastically covered every second of every stock market sell-off throughout this “crisis” and then stopped covering it or even reacted negatively when stocks rebounded.

Fact: The media frantically fell over each other rushing in to wishfully announce this “crisis” as President Trump’s “Katrina moment,” which they’ve done over and over again with every crisis–the opposite of how they covered Obama.

Fact: China incompetently misreported and lied about their numbers on the Wuhan region, and the World Health Organization blindly reported those lies as verified facts, assuring the world that coronavirus was not contagious.

Fact: Italy didn’t get ravaged by coronavirus. Italy got ravaged by its garbage socialist health care system, and by having a ton of elderly who were simply turned away. Letting people die untreated isn’t coronavirus being more dangerous than the flu or the common cold.

Fact: Taiwan alerted the World Health Organization all the way back in December how contagious COVID was and the threat it posed of becoming a pandemic, but they ignored the warnings for almost a month and blindly reported whatever China told them (which all turned out to be lies), just like our news media did, drastically delaying the world’s response.

Fact: We've seen how DEMOCRATS handle viral outbreaks. Obama incompetently failed to handle H1N1, but DEMOCRATS defended that before condemning the most unprecedented success a president has ever had in containing a pandemic when it came from President Trump.

Fact: DEMOCRATS support open borders, which exponentially worsens epidemics and enabled H1N1 (with a 30+% mortality rate) to become an unstoppable plague.