APP - Your Daily Chinese Virus Update - 4/25/2020

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

We are now at 2,849,133 cases WORLDWIDE.
We are now at 198,063 deaths WORLDWIDE

This is your pandemic folks

As of this posting

5,037,473 (1.5%) US Citizens tested - More than any other country

925,758 (0.2%) cases in the United States
277,445 (30%) of the cases in the USA come from NY with a democrat governor
379,641 (41%) of the cases in the USA come from NY/NJ with democrat governors
588,396 (64%) of the cases in the USA come from seven states with a democrat governor
52,217 (0.01%)** deaths in the USA
21,291 (41%) of the deaths in the US come from NY with a democrat governor
26,908 (51%) of the deaths in the US come from NY/NJ with democrat governors
37,844 (72%) of the deaths in the US come from seven states with a democrat governor

**The death rate is being artificially increased in democrat run states to make things look worse than they are

On a per capita basis the healthcare delivered to these patients is worse in democrat run states/cities

New York - 1,085 deaths per million
New Jersey - 632 deaths per million
Connecticut - 493 deaths per million
Massachusetts - 374 deaths per million
Louisiana - 356 deaths per million
Michigan - 310 deaths per million
Washington DC - 224 deaths per million

USA - 158 deaths per mmillion

West Virginia - 17 deaths per million
The death rate is being artificially increased in DEMOCRAT-run states to make things look worse than they are.