APP - Your Daily COVID19 Update - 3/21/2020

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

We are now at 283,729 cases WORLDWIDE.

As of this posting

19,775 cases in the United States - 0.006% of our country has tested positive of COVID19
12,495 (64%) of the total cases in the United States come from five democrat run states
276 deaths in the United States - 0.000087% of our country has died from COVID19
163 (59%) from three states - Washington, California and New York and all voted for Hillary
83 (34%) from one state, Washington

*S. Korea is heading into the downslope of their bell shaped curve in active cases
*Warm weather does matter. S. Korea, Parts of Italy have colder temperatures right now. Warmer weather areas are least affected.
*Closing borders works. Russia shut down its border with China and has very few cases

Many people want to look at Italy and assume that is the worst case scenario that is going to happen here in the United States. It is not. It won't be even close. Here is why

Italy’s death rate has skyrocketed to 8.5%
The United States has decreased from 7% in the beginning to 1.3%

1) Italy's population is much older than our population
2) Italy waited too long to shut down its border
3) Italy's socialized healthcare system was in a shambles prior to this. They have been rationing care for years. They don't have enough physicians, nurses or facilities.
4) Italy is just letting older people die rather than try to treat them. The media won’t report it

Now for those wanting to just blame President Trump (because that is what you do)

1) As of January 23rd, the World Health Organization did not declare this a global health emergency. Everyone said "Listen to the experts". Well that is what the World experts were saying at the time.

2) On January 31, 2020 President Trump restricted travel to and from the impacted areas for which he was roundly criticized by the democrats in this country and the WHO

**Full Thread Ban in effect as JPP Leftists are not sufficiently qualified to speak on this topic**