APP - Your Daily Wuhan China Virus Update - 5/4/2020

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Sorry for the late report. Had a lot to do today. Spent a lot of time violating shelter in place orders :)


We are now at 3,619,523 cases WORLDWIDE.
We are now at 250,478 deaths WORLDWIDE

This is your pandemic folks

As of this posting

7,309,839 (2.2%) US Citizens tested - More than any other country
633,921 (1.2%) of S. Korea citizens tested THE GOLD STANDARD OF TESTING

1,200,794 (0.36%) cases in the United States
326,823 (27%) of the cases in the USA come from NY with a democrat governor
455,995 (38%) of the cases in the USA come from NY/NJ with democrat governors
737,145 (61%) of the cases in the USA come from seven states with a democrat governor
69,116 (0.02%)** deaths in the USA
24,874 (36%) of the deaths in the US come from NY with a democrat governor
32,800 (47%) of the deaths in the US come from NY/NJ with democrat governors
48,811 (71%) of the deaths in the US come from seven states with a democrat governor

**The death rate is being artificially increased in democrat run states to make things look worse than they are

On a per capita basis the healthcare delivered to these patients is worse in democrat run states/cities

New York - 1,268 deaths per million
New Jersey - 892 deaths per million
Connecticut - 697 deaths per million
Massachusetts - 586 deaths per million
Louisiana - 443 deaths per million
Michigan - 407 deaths per million
Washington DC - 377 deaths per million

USA - 209 deaths per mmillion

Florida - 68 deaths per million
West Virginia - 27 deaths per million