Your waist size may be more important than weight for multiple heart attack risk


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(CNN) Heart attack survivors who carry extra weight around their belly are at greater risk of another heart attack, new research has found, another reason why measuring your waist may be more important than stepping on the scale.

It's been known for a while that having a pot belly, even if you are slim elsewhere, increases the odds of having a first heart attack, but the latest study, which published Monday in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, is the first time researchers have found a link between belly fat and the risk of a subsequent heart attack or stroke.

The link was particularly strong in men, researchers said.

"Abdominal obesity not only increases your risk for a first heart attack or stroke, but also the risk for recurrent events after the first misfortune," said Dr. Hanieh Mohammadi of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, in a news release.



In Trump's case it may be the bags of oreo cookies and enormous quantities of Big Macs - but I generally find eschewing beer, and moderating wheat products and other bad carbs, exercise and strength training is sufficient to keep me from looking like a beer-gutted, oafish Trump supporter.