YouTube censors the word pederast... sez something.

Pederast is a word central to describing jHoe obiden's afghan pederast heroin cartel with any level of clinical depth. I think they do it because they're a bunch of junky faggots who should all be shot and killed for funding terrorism for decades. But, what else can you expect from your leaders and the cia...

If we're really that worried about our transsexual operatives, let's kill them ourselves instead. If they can only exist as everyone else's violated first amendment rights, then they're not compatible with the constitution anyway.

Absolutely banned post on faggot tube vid,

slightly more polished version
False. This is only a reduced definition. The totality of the word pederast(censored by fgtb) is: one who uses an ancient homosexual supremacist slavery model which exhibits behaviours central to emasculation or simply one whom habitually resorts to abusive emasculation. I.e. referring to a male as a female in the derogatory.

Pederast is an objective clinical term, not a subjective identity. It can be used to clinicaly and objectively describe a subject as opposed their own subjective identity. It is not meant to be used as hyperbole. I.E. someone who considers themselves cis gendered can just as well be a pederast as much as a homosexual supremacist; the subject does not have to subjectively identify as a homosexual. A pederast is objectively a male homosexual not necessarily a self identified homosexual.

In all cases a pederast is a male and with a male victim. Misandrist(also censored be fgttb) is instead used to describe a female supremacist with male victims.

There is no perfect legitimate antonym for a female pederast. I.e. a female homosexual supremacist perpetrator and a female victim. This is likely due to that sort of thing either just seeming too silly for mention or otherwise a publicly acceptable definition of "woman."

But, see "Brazilian lesbian face sitting." Note, some lesbians cal it simply, "lesbian porn."

An recently publicly discovered example of a pederast can be found in recent times in Afghanistan where it is spoken as a "bachabaz" who would be known to keep a "bachabazi." Note, both a bachabaz and a bachabzi are hopelessly addicted to heroin. Heroin is a particularly capable tool for enslaving people.
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One of these days you're going to have to have a conversation about our entire leadership having a really really bad dope habit.

Drug test the fed.
The fixation on creating pedophilia threads by some on this forum is bizarre, to say the least. Just about the only thing that can get you permabanned is to violate the 12b rule. It's almost like the forum has several small children who were forbidden to yell a dirty word, so that's all they can think of.

Yeah, another troll thread by a master-baiter. lol
The fixation on creating pedophilia threads by some on this forum is bizarre, to say the least. Just about the only thing that can get you permabanned is to violate the 12b rule. It's almost like the forum has several small children who were forbidden to yell a dirty word, so that's all they can think of.

Yeah, another troll thread by a master-baiter. lol

Look how these disgusting junky slime faggots try to deflect they just ran a fucking pederast heroin cartel for 8 years under hillbillary and jHoe obiden like it would be a bad thing if their bachabazi operatives got slaughtered like pigs.

I told you slime, "do NOT make America into an afghan pederast heroin cartel" and what did you do as tho it was the first thing you should do? Hmm?

Should have been the easiest to keep campaign promis you ever made. How did you fk it up?

Duterte policies are too good for you slime.
Look how these disgusting junky slime faggots try to deflect they just ran a fucking pederast heroin cartel for 8 years under hillbillary and jHoe obiden like it would be a bad thing if their bachabazi operatives got slaughtered like pigs.

I told you slime, "do NOT make America into an afghan pederast heroin cartel" and what did you do as tho it was the first thing you should do? Hmm?

Should have been the easiest to keep campaign promis you ever made. How did you fk it up?

Duterte policies are too good for you slime.

Seek help.