Youtube Comments on Tesseracts and the 4th spatial dimension


on indefiniate mod break

Watermark and I were talking about the singularity last night, as we often do. And I THINK that inspired watermark to put a tesseract as his avatar. Today I was bored and decided to watch a tesseract rotation. I then enjoyed some comments on youtube, which by far belong to the stupidest people on the planet. I have quoted a few for your pleasure:

shadows are just the absence of light. they arent THINGS. ok 1 dimention then. explain that.

we must be at least the fifth dimention because we can see time. we know things happened in the past if we were in the forth dimention we would have no idea of it. anyway dimention just means add another measurement so touch, smell, feel, see are all extra dimentions.

an this is not a different dimention. it is 3d because it is 2d but affected by time.

OMG MINDFUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

someone fails at explaining flatland:

Think like this. Lay flat on the floor on ur side. without moving up and down, u are technically a square moving in 2-d. If someone were in fourdimension they could look at what we look in 3-d as if it were lyding down on the floor.

It's almost 6D because you can jump to a 4dimensional line whenever you want. Great job!

This guy vehemetly defends the forward motion of time:
yeah yeah yeah and do we even know anything. Maybe this tree is really a car. Bullshit.
I can see things move therefore there is time. Get down to earht.

All you see is things changing position. Or do they?

Cyclops would seen in 2 dimensions, we however have 2 eyes. We can see fine in 3 dimensions, unless you're a cyclops.

Are you?

How we perceive dementions with our eyes:
No no no no no no no NO.

First thing's first, that's what the 2nd eye does, it feets our brain a different perspective of the image that the 1st eye is seeing.

Secondly, you're assuming correlation from one piece of data, a correct correlation requires at least 2 pieces of data, for example if you knew for a fact that 3D saw in 3D and 4D saw in 4D, you could assume that 5D beings saw in 5D. What you're doing there is thinking you know what you're talking about, but actually you're guessing
we must be at least the fifth dimention because we can see time. we know things happened in the past if we were in the forth dimention we would have no idea of it. anyway dimention just means add another measurement so touch, smell, feel, see are all extra dimentions.

an this is not a different dimention. it is 3d because it is 2d but affected by time.

You have no idea how hard I laughed at that. :D
My avatar is a 2D immersion of a 3D immersion of a rotating 4D object.

What's strange to think about is the fact that if this were in 4D, none of that would be stretching. It would all be as natural as movement in three dimensions.
Okay, length, width, and height are the first 3 dimentions, but I was led to understand that time, the 4th D, cannot be visually represented, or does a rotating 3D object count as 4D? And WTF is the 5th dimension, since technically humans cannot sense it???
time is usually considered the 4th dimension, but we aren't talking about that here. We are only talking about a 4th spatial dimension
Okay, length, width, and height are the first 3 dimentions, but I was led to understand that time, the 4th D, cannot be visually represented, or does a rotating 3D object count as 4D? And WTF is the 5th dimension, since technically humans cannot sense it???

In relativity, time is considered a dimension. But it's not a normal dimension. When someone talks about a "4-dimensional object", they are talking about a 4th spatial dimension. Which is different.

There were actually string theories that had like 20 or so dimensions of space and several dimensions of time.
In relativity, time is considered a dimension. But it's not a normal dimension. When someone talks about a "4-dimensional object", they are talking about a 4th spatial dimension. Which is different.

There were actually string theories that had like 20 or so dimensions of space and several dimensions of time.

Yes, but aren't they more like frequency spectrums that are outside of our ability to sense?
Okay, length, width, and height are the first 3 dimentions, but I was led to understand that time, the 4th D, cannot be visually represented, or does a rotating 3D object count as 4D? And WTF is the 5th dimension, since technically humans cannot sense it???

You could have an infinite amount of dimensions if you wanted to. You'd never be able to imagine it; hell, I can't even imagine a 4 dimensional object, even when I'm staring at a tessarect.
Yes, but aren't they more like frequency spectrums that are outside of our ability to sense?

The string theory dimensions would be limited to a small scale; current models have about ten spatial dimensions and one dimension of time.

It's all theoretical, though, and it would take a ridiculous amount of money to test it. You'd need a particle accelerator eight times the size of the LHC.
€ r ı π ∂;509539 said:

Watermark and I were talking about the singularity last night, as we often do. And I THINK that inspired watermark to put a tesseract as his avatar. Today I was bored and decided to watch a tesseract rotation. I then enjoyed some comments on youtube, which by far belong to the stupidest people on the planet. I have quoted a few for your pleasure:

someone fails at explaining flatland:

This guy vehemetly defends the forward motion of time:

How we perceive dementions with our eyes:

Actually that's not a teserect. It's a 2-D representation of the 3-D shadow of a teserect.

Does that mean we can start calling Watherhead "Tessie"?
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My avatar is a 2D immersion of a 3D immersion of a rotating 4D object.

What's strange to think about is the fact that if this were in 4D, none of that would be stretching. It would all be as natural as movement in three dimensions.
That's what I thought. It's not an actual teserect but a 2D representation of one.
That's what I thought. It's not an actual teserect but a 2D representation of one.

obviously it's not ACTUALLY a tesseract. It's a 2d shadow of a 3d shadow of a 4 dimensional object.

but we would still call this:


... a cube even though it's only in 2d. Likewise we would still call watermarks avatar a tesseract because it's just a lot simpler than calling it a 2d shadow of a 3d shadow of a 4 dimensional object
It's literally impossible to have an actual tessarect in this universe.

I think it would be cool to make a 3D model of a rotating tessarect though. Maybe you could better grasp the concept? I honestly have no idea how to even imagine a hypercube, I can just understand the concept and look at how cool it's rotation seems.