YouTube hitting content creators


ButterMilk Man
I have been having a running conversation with TOP! about Expedition Evans, a sailing channel that put up a video crying about YouTube age restricting their videos, a channel that is now offline but growing subscribers which indicates to me a revolt in the sailing community.

YouTube Is Handing Rumble the Crown on a Silver Platter After Its Latest Policy Changes
Recently, YouTube made the sudden decision to demonetize an unprecedented number of videos, many of them going back into the catalogs of content creators whose very livelihoods rest on these videos. The move came without warning and even many of YouTube’s creator reps didn’t know it was happening.

Popular YouTuber Charlie White (aka “Moist Cr1TiKaL”) first brought this to the attention of YouTube’s general audience when he noticed creators began speaking out about the loss of income and revenue from their channels without even being notified by the company or their creator representatives. White went over his own content and noticed the same exact thing happened to him, and upon speaking to his YouTube contact about it, the contact was wholly ignorant of the change that had occurred and had to look into it.

According to White, YouTube is now age-restricting and demonetizing any video that might be even remotely a little edgy. The new rule apparently states that any video with a swear word within the first 15 seconds will be hit with demonetization, but as White reveals, many of his videos without swearing until the very end still got hit with the dreaded yellow dollar sign.

I want Dont Be Evil Google back.
I have been having a running conversation with TOP! about Expedition Evans, a sailing channel that put up a video crying about YouTube age restricting their videos, a channel that is now offline but growing subscribers which indicates to me a revolt in the sailing community.

YouTube Is Handing Rumble the Crown on a Silver Platter After Its Latest Policy Changes

I want Dont Be Evil Google back.
You were right about Expedition Evans....This should be interesting...There goes Drag Queens at the Zoo or the Library...;)
You were right about Expedition Evans....This should be interesting...There goes Drag Queens at the Zoo or the Library...;)

This looks like yet more WOKE doubling down to me....sanitizing to get ready for arrival at UTOPIA.
I just did a short looks to me like Google wants less independent creation on its platform and more corporate sourced content....that yet again Google is anti-freedom.

Remember how Tumblr was ruined to keep the Corporate Overlords happy.