Zebra or Horse?

I would normally think it was photoshopped. But its on a news site........

I like the name "Zorse"
FINALLY... Cypress says something I can agree with...

looks like a photo shop job to me as well. No way would it develop a pattern like that naturally.
"Horbra sounds funny."

Sounds like sumthin ya loose northern women folk would wear. Easy on, easy off... savin time for those workin the streets. Makes for a mo efficient ho.

Zebra/horse combinations aren't anything unique, but it's plain weird that this happened.

SF was right, it's the patterning that is so unconvincing. It's splotchy. And if the sire was dark brown, where's anything of that in there? I agree, somebody's been playing with Photoshop.
"I thought we weren't doing the whole "proof" thing on this board anymore."

Only when there is a claim of "I'm too sexy for this post". then proof is required. :)
"SF was right"

That IS normally the case.

LOL! But this time, it appears that our natural skepticism may have got a bit ahead of us all. BBC News has a video of this "Hebra" (that's what they're calling it). I couldn't play it though. It's not impossible but is a lot harder to alter a video in PS (CS 3, I think).

So perhaps the animal is legitimate after all.
LOL! But this time, it appears that our natural skepticism may have got a bit ahead of us all. BBC News has a video of this "Hebra" (that's what they're calling it). I couldn't play it though. It's not impossible but is a lot harder to alter a video in PS (CS 3, I think).

So perhaps the animal is legitimate after all.

SF owned! :cof1: