Zebra Paint your Cows

it is why zebras are striped

Im sure other patterns would work

I always wondered why their markings existed

they didn't seem to make for good camo
It will because you stupid liberals won't think those are cows and their farts are destroying the earth :laugh:

chemistry is REAL

I know you don't like sciencey stuff

but even though you don't like veggies they exist

even though you don't like things they still exist

cow farts are gas

they are made of gases that have actual chemical effects

even if you don't like these facts they are still facts

your childish megalomaniac thoughts don't have the power to change reality
chemistry is REAL

I know you don't like sciencey stuff

but even though you don't like veggies they exist

even though you don't like things they still exist

cow farts are gas

they are made of gases that have actual chemical effects

even if you don't like these facts they are still facts

your childish megalomaniac thoughts don't have the power to change reality

So, you're a chemist?

Every animal's (including human's) farts have a bit of methane. Bend over and fart on a lit lighter once.
So, you're a chemist?

Every animal's (including human's) farts have a bit of methane. Bend over and fart on a lit lighter once.

dear fucking idiot

you are the one saying that gas doesn't react as science says it does feces face

you are the one who denies science

yes non chemists are allowed to discuss chemistry

fuck you very much
Why painting zebra stripes on cows could save the agriculture industry major money

Why do you need to paint a cow to look like a zebra. All you have to do is look at Obama. The by product of a typical runaway black baby daddy and a piece of trash white.
dear fucking idiot

you are the one saying that gas doesn't react as science says it does feces face

you are the one who denies science

yes non chemists are allowed to discuss chemistry

fuck you very much

Where in the hell did you come up with that shit from my post? You're insane...
Originally Posted by RB 60
So, you're a chemist?

Every animal's (including human's) farts have a bit of methane. Bend over and fart on a lit lighter once.

Spoken like a card carrying redneck. lol
why are you NOT embracing the science in this thread RB60 asshole?

instead you are posting completely unrelated crap

fuck you and bite a dead mules cock
Why do you need to paint a cow to look like a zebra. All you have to do is look at Obama. The by product of a typical runaway black baby daddy and a piece of trash white.

this is the republican base

its very base

and very dense
dear fucking idiot

you are the one saying that gas doesn't react as science says it does feces face

you are the one who denies science

yes non chemists are allowed to discuss chemistry

fuck you very much

Point out where I said that. We'll wait.......
Originally Posted by RB 60
So, you're a chemist?

Every animal's (including human's) farts have a bit of methane. Bend over and fart on a lit lighter once.

Spoken like a card carrying redneck. lol

Spoken like a true coward that runs and hides when someone hurts his feelings by not believing his lies.

Prove you're a coward, boy. I command you.
Originally Posted by RB 60
So, you're a chemist?

Every animal's (including human's) farts have a bit of methane. Bend over and fart on a lit lighter once.

Spoken like a card carrying redneck. lol

Refute it, asshole.
dear fucking idiot

you are the one saying that gas doesn't react as science says it does feces face

you are the one who denies science

yes non chemists are allowed to discuss chemistry

fuck you very much

There is nothing natural about the global domestic cow population. There are one billion domesticated cows on the planet. A natural, undisturbed ecosystem would never, ever, under any circumstances allow anywhere near that number of bovine species to exist. The worldwide cow population is a result of human intervention - breeding, domestication, food supply.

And that is not even to mention the resources, the pollution emissions, and the industrial technologies required to support a billion cattle and livestock industry on the planet.

When Trump boot-lickers giggle about cow farts, it is because they heard about it on the Rush Limbaugh show and assumed it was a good dig a "liberal environmental lunacy".

It also points to the fact they are fairly uneducated, unintelligent, and have not really put the slightest thought into what a global livestock industry really means in terms of environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions.