
She prowls the net but she isn't a chatbot. Her chatting is communicating with Zardov or those who can find her...somewhere.

***shakes head*** just get yo butt over the hill...I need a camping vacation...suffering from message board burn-out...this summer flying for sure...!:clink:
Sorry Damo...but I just have to say it...Gawd, how I hate AT&T they crashed my firefox application...had to re-install and re-boot...if ya don't play their game and use their applications...all hell breaks loose...oh well, like I am not use to a battle or firefight!
Damo...ya really need to find another employer...Main Stream phone and internet providers are really becoming dinosaurs..with a sick attitude! and really poor service record!:BKick::cuss:
I don't work on internet service.

LOL..nice dodge...fyi and for the record...when my system crashed...I went to the toll free line...was passed on to a AT&T tech rep...her name was Jennifer...well after I explained what happened she tried to sell me a higher internet connection to solve the problem...when I laughed at her I received the traditional disconnect...so I went and corrected the problem myself( I gave them a chance to no avail)...re-install and re-boot...gawd I wish there was somewhere where one could get real service and real people to help when needed......that would be nice!...kinda akin to the oldies days when a persons handshake and word meant something!:pke:
BB, I really don't care. I have nothing to do with internet service. Long ago in a world far-far away I was tech support for AT&T Worldnet. I haven't done anything dealing with it for more than 15 years. After that I worked for GTE as a repair agent. Since then I haven't touched internet service for anybody.