Zen Activity

Not cool asshat!

While in advance LE training in DC a bunch of us went to a sizzlers coffee shop...we had a couple of beers while waiting for our cheapo steak dinners...the waitress was a cutie so I tried the old order the milk thingee...she blasted me as she was a undergrad in Biology...said I would pay the price ...'beer has acid and the milk will curtle'...I laughed and continued on...she was right I payed the price later that night...no date...really a painful night...Pepto Bismal was my date!;)
You can't swing a dead cat without hitting another Walter Mitty in this place.

Ineffectual dreamer? I don't think so. This is my real life. Don't be playa hater. You will feel the ho slap if you persist in this pimp-bashing. I believe in the free market system. Im a neocon and shit.