Zombie Apocalypse

Ready for when the bartender sets one in front of you ?

The only other zombies I am are of are those who voted for Bush twice.
How would you get ready?

The same way you prepare for any respectable apocalypse (Y2K, the Rapture, the inevitable Race Wars), by stockpiling exorbitant amounts of disgusting nonperishables and gathering as many assault weapons as possible.
The same way you prepare for any respectable apocalypse (Y2K, the Rapture, the inevitable Race Wars), by stockpiling exorbitant amounts of disgusting nonperishables and gathering as many assault weapons as possible.

Don't forget the planning and rehearsal of escape routes to abandoned urban buildings.... not that I do that.... even if I am ready....I don't have EXORBITANT amonts of food or water stored in mmy attic....... no more then any well prepared person...... Ok, so I stockpile ammo. Big deal, everyone does.....:foil:
LOL. I LOVE zombie movies. I didn't realize how much I liked them until a few years ago. There's something compelling about the idea impending solitude and bear knuckle attempts at survival.