Zugzwang of Putin and Netanyahu

Alik Bahshi

Verified User
Alik Bakhshi

Zugzwang of Putin and Netanyahu

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Strange as it may seem, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Russian Fuhrer Putin have found themselves in the same role. Both are unwilling to end the war and occupation despite international condemnation. Ending military action and withdrawing armies from the occupied territories of Palestine and Ukraine would be tantamount to defeat and would inevitably lead to the political death of both. Both Netanyahu and Putin have driven themselves into a dead end in which there is no provision for ending the war. Both are called liars by their political opponents, both Israel and Russia. Lies are the main bond of their political plans. Thus, Putin denies the Ukrainian people their own state, having substantiated this fact in the famous article “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians,” worthy of the Nobel Prize in historical science. (1) In Israel, the ideologists of the Likud party, headed by Netanyahu, also deny the Palestinian people the right to a state, arguing that the Palestinians are not capable of governing a state due to their unique inferiority in this sense. (2)Both Putin and Netanyahu have the same goal of annexing the territory of another people, but the heroic resistance of the Ukrainians and Palestinians and the opinion of the world community can have catastrophic consequences for both Russia and Israel. (3,4)

1. An updated history of the Russian state. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/70000.html
2. The main myth of the state of Israel. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/109378.html
3. The first president after Putin will be the first president of Muscovy. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/83920.html
4. Israel, the path to oblivion. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/6258.html



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Many delegations left or did not come at all when Netanyahu gave a speech at the UN General Assembly. Netanyahu called the UN an anti-Semitic swamp, forgetting that it was the UN that gave the Jews the opportunity to create the state of Israel.