My good man, how many aliases do you have? And do you have any original thoughts regarding the subject at hand, or are you incapable of anything other than a groan. Just curious, as you seem most persistent in getting recognition for me.
Stop whining, Cy. I stated that the chronology of our exchanges documents where you lied (either that or you're too damned stupid to acknowledge your pushing a contradiction as truth). The objective reader will go over it and see your folly. Your insipid stubbornness on this exchange is evident. Bottom line: you made a statement that didn't stand up to scrutiny and you couldn't walk back or "explain" away. I saw no further point in discussing it with you and stated as such. That you are obsessed with being right in an anonymous format as this speaks volumes of your ego. Take a break, get some fresh air. Or see a therapist. Whatever. I'm done with you and will no longer entertain any exchanges with you. Adios.
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