007 permabanned (open thread)

Greater irony yet; you are actually arguing that the party of Eric Cantor, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Michelle Backmon, Sarah Palin etc. ad infinitum
is not well represented by Desh's comment.

You are either:

1. Devoid of all logic and unconnected to reality
B. A lying moron who believes his own self-created fallacies.

Either works for me, so I will allow you to pick.

Weren't you the one that said; when it comes to Desh, we should consider the source.
About fricking time.

And he didn't actually have to physically murder anyone to get banned...go figure.

After reading his filth for months and following the realization that not a one of our Mods is carrying any sort of "marble sack" whatsoever, I was sure that's what it was going to take to get him perma-booted.