1% has become 2%

democrat retardation = tax the rich becuase they are jealous

We don't have an undertaxed/revenue problem. We have a spending problem
Yea...I hear that from Republicans every time they want to shift the tax burden on to the professional and middle classes (on taxation, I agree with you on spending).

The facts are, our progressive systems is extremely fair. The top 20% of household incomes earners (the group I happen to belong to) control 80% of the wealth of this nation where as the top 25% of households pay approximately 85% of the federal income taxes. That's pretty damned fair.
I don't dissagree much, my heart doesn't bleed for the top 2%. But they always lower the definition of rich as the date nears.
I don't dissagree much, my heart doesn't bleed for the top 2%. But they always lower the definition of rich as the date nears.
That's the problem you and I are stuck with. The far left would have the top 1 to 2% pay all the taxes where as the far right would have those like us making between $100,000 and $200,000 pay all the taxes since you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip! LOL

I really can't complain about the status quo. I think my tax rate is proportional to my income and is therefore fair......though my wife the bean counter would argue that. LOL

I do disagree with Obama in that if we cannot cut enough in spending to balance the budget and tax increases are needed (which is certainly debatable) then those tax increases should be fair and across the board progressive tax increases and not just on the top 1-2% alone. The sacrifice should be fair and shared.
Grind, I'm sooooooo dissapointed in your post. It's an interesting topic and you, who should presumably know better, just type out this lame strawman? Dude, I'd give others a pass but not you cause I know you have the ability to write something far better this this crap.

this is not a strawman I am completely right. This is exactly what has happened, and will continue to happen.
"For years, I always heard from liberals, and wealth stealers, that we should oblige them on tax policy. After all, "it's only the top 1%", and who gives a fuck about them? They're rich!"

How about that Strawman? Progressive vs Regressive taxation is a game topic but not when you troll with an intellectually dishonest strawman like that. I can only think that Grind is either off his meds or is trolling.

this is exactly what liberals and wealth usurpers say. "Who cares, they already have tons of money", "they wont miss it, they are rich" etc. Not a strawman.
What the hell does that have to do with any thing? That's just anothe strawman. If an income group controls 50% of the money and is only paying 40% of the taxes....then they are under taxed. If they pay 60% of the taxes then they are over taxed. If they are paying 50%....then it's just right! :)
Wealth =/= money Mott. it equals worth. That takes many different forms, not just income.
this is exactly what liberals and wealth usurpers say. "Who cares, they already have tons of money", "they wont miss it, they are rich" etc. Not a strawman.

I have already made Mott look foolish for his comments. No need for you youngins to come in and try to pile on at this point.
1% became 2% because those making more than $250,000 per year are now only the top 1.5%, not all in the top 1% any longer. In order to be accurate and not raise the limit where taxation becomes "taxing the rich" they had to change rhetoric to match reality.
remember when the alt min tax came in, supposedly to hit only the rich.
The slime bags didn't index the income numbers, 20 years later the middle class is getting ass raped by AMT.
Without the common courtesy of a reacharound.
remember when the alt min tax came in, supposedly to hit only the rich.
The slime bags didn't index the income numbers, 20 years later the middle class is getting ass raped by AMT.
Without the common courtesy of a reacharound.

Only if they are foolish enough to file it when they could get a better deal using a long form with deductions.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;809573 said:
If balancing the budget requires us to raise taxes on the rch, you'd rather shut the government down and default on the debt of the United States.

Got it.

Who are you talking to?