1 in 5 college age adults have mental disorder



Counting substance abuse, the study found that nearly half of young people surveyed have some sort of psychiatric condition, including students and non-students.

Personality disorders were the second most common problem behind drug or alcohol abuse as a single category. The disorders include obsessive, anti-social and paranoid behaviors that are not mere quirks but actually interfere with ordinary functioning.

The study authors noted that recent tragedies such as fatal shootings at Northern Illinois University and Virginia Tech have raised awareness about the prevalence of mental illness on college campuses.

They also suggest that this age group might be particularly vulnerable.

"For many, young adulthood is characterized by the pursuit of greater educational opportunities and employment prospects, development of personal relationships, and for some, parenthood," the authors said. These circumstances, they said, can result in stress that triggers the start or recurrence of psychiatric problems.
I don't know if i hold with all that.

Psychologists are constantly coming up with new definitions of what is "abnormal" so it is hardly a surprise to see ever larger numbers of people being diagnosed with a "disorder", handed a prescription and sent off to fund the pharmaceutical sector.
The people who did this study never lived with teenagers, or the numbers would be even higher.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 1 in four U.S. adults suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.
This country has been out of tune with what is important.

Its been money, money, money for a decade now.

Whats so wrong about peace, love and understanding?
This includes anyone that has been treated for ANY depression, even if temporary, including post partum.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7txCdLCP9U&feature=related"]YouTube - Nick Lowe - Whats So Funny About Peace Love & Understanding[/ame]
I read this article yesterday. I've mentioned before the shortcomings of self-report surveys, and have from time to time seen those shortcomings firsthand. A significant proportion of responders do not answer the questions honestly, for a variety of reasons, and because of that the findings of most or perhaps all of these studies are highly suspect.

Anonymity is one of the requirements of the study and is promised to the respondents (whether they believe it or not) at the outset.

Some will answer the questions according to whatever they think will help the study to succeed.

Some, not trusting the anonymity requirement, will answer in the way they feel will make themselves look good (but these tests are constructed to catch a lot of that, so it may end up making the respondent's contribution look like pathology!).

Looking at the ages of the persons targeted in this particular study (but this phenomenon is certainly not exclusive to teens/young adults) it's also likely that many will want just to have fun with the study and will answer accordingly; this will often skew the results toward pathology. Others may do that deliberately with the intent of damaging the results.

This also is not confined to psych studies. Look at the products we're offered as a consequence of the manufacturers' reliance on focus groups.
This country has been out of tune with what is important.

Its been money, money, money for a decade now.

Whats so wrong about peace, love and understanding?

we've been money, money, money for only 'a' decade?
I read this article yesterday. I've mentioned before the shortcomings of self-report surveys, and have from time to time seen those shortcomings firsthand. A significant proportion of responders do not answer the questions honestly, for a variety of reasons, and because of that the findings of most or perhaps all of these studies are highly suspect.

Anonymity is one of the requirements of the study and is promised to the respondents (whether they believe it or not) at the outset.

Some will answer the questions according to whatever they think will help the study to succeed.

Some, not trusting the anonymity requirement, will answer in the way they feel will make themselves look good (but these tests are constructed to catch a lot of that, so it may end up making the respondent's contribution look like pathology!).

Looking at the ages of the persons targeted in this particular study (but this phenomenon is certainly not exclusive to teens/young adults) it's also likely that many will want just to have fun with the study and will answer accordingly; this will often skew the results toward pathology. Others may do that deliberately with the intent of damaging the results.

This also is not confined to psych studies. Look at the products we're offered as a consequence of the manufacturers' reliance on focus groups.

which begs the question.... who DOES have those damn Nielson boxes that determine the success and failure of TV shows. It seems every year the programming gets worse and worse.
which begs the question.... who DOES have those damn Nielson boxes that determine the success and failure of TV shows. It seems every year the programming gets worse and worse.

Good question! I've never known anyone who had one, have you?
I read this article yesterday. I've mentioned before the shortcomings of self-report surveys, and have from time to time seen those shortcomings firsthand. A significant proportion of responders do not answer the questions honestly, for a variety of reasons, and because of that the findings of most or perhaps all of these studies are highly suspect.

Anonymity is one of the requirements of the study and is promised to the respondents (whether they believe it or not) at the outset.

Some will answer the questions according to whatever they think will help the study to succeed.

Some, not trusting the anonymity requirement, will answer in the way they feel will make themselves look good (but these tests are constructed to catch a lot of that, so it may end up making the respondent's contribution look like pathology!).

Looking at the ages of the persons targeted in this particular study (but this phenomenon is certainly not exclusive to teens/young adults) it's also likely that many will want just to have fun with the study and will answer accordingly; this will often skew the results toward pathology. Others may do that deliberately with the intent of damaging the results.

This also is not confined to psych studies. Look at the products we're offered as a consequence of the manufacturers' reliance on focus groups.

Im sure its not the end all be all study of this subject. I intended it as a topic of interest. I think all the people in this country are seeking direction in life and finding harder to come by than it should be.

I just am feeling a little sad and yet hopeful about what our priorities are in our society. I would love for the Peace ,Love and understanding direction to get some traction again. It is always followed by the people who spew hate on this direction by making a joke out of people who care about others. I will never understand why people always fall for that tact? They always do.
which begs the question.... who DOES have those damn Nielson boxes that determine the success and failure of TV shows. It seems every year the programming gets worse and worse.

Because the people watching the shows get more stupit.

Kinda like pain pills it takes more and more to work the longer you are on them'
I'm suspicious of psychology in general.

Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience and psychology that involves drugs, while it is far more accurate than psychoanalysis, has billions of dollars of conflicting interests behind it. It was getting more and more ridiculous for a long time. I think the poster child for this trend of inventing new diseases just to make money is going to be Restless Leg Syndrome.
I'm suspicious of psychology in general.

Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience and psychology that involves drugs, while it is far more accurate than psychoanalysis, has billions of dollars of conflicting interests behind it. It was getting more and more ridiculous for a long time. I think the poster child for this trend of inventing new diseases just to make money is going to be Restless Leg Syndrome.

OK, now you're in my territory. RLS is a genuine disorder and we have evidence (my lab, that is) that it probably arises from a sudden, spontaneous and reversible occurrence of depolarization inactivation of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. It is relieved by binge eating; we have shown that glucose load, including dietary glucose, can reverse dp block, and the low doses drugs that typically reverse dp block also relieve the symptoms of RLS.

The question is how and why does this occur spontaneously in patients, and how can we develop a longlasting, perhaps permanent, treatment.
OK, now you're in my territory. RLS is a genuine disorder and we have evidence (my lab, that is) that it probably arises from a sudden, spontaneous and reversible occurrence of depolarization inactivation of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. It is relieved by binge eating; we have shown that glucose load, including dietary glucose, can reverse dp block, and the low doses drugs that typically reverse dp block also relieve the symptoms of RLS.

The question is how and why does this occur spontaneously in patients, and how can we develop a longlasting, perhaps permanent, treatment.

Is it all that common though?

Judging by the amount of ads I see for it on television, the drug companies seem to think that whether or not it actually is, they're going to MAKE it look common. They are searching for the next blockbuster drug. And that's what's wrong with our system.