1 in 5 college age adults have mental disorder

Well I dunno. In 100 years, with nanotechnology and such, we could probably do direct repairs to the brain. But there's no short term cure. It's like someone in the 13th century telling people it would be great if we had flying machines.

LOL! Did you do that on purpose? Never mind I see that you've completed your message.

Small inroads are being made in Parkinson's Disease treatment by injecting new dopamine cells derived from stem cells, but the process is slow and only partially successful. The problem there is that whatever is killing the original cells is still there and hasn't been definitely identified yet. The new cells are equally vulnerable. The bad news is that you don't even start to see symptoms until about 90% of the population of dopamine cells has been destroyed.
It's unlikely that the damage can be reversed, once it occurs. The damage is not to the DA receptors, though. Meth, like all the amphetamines, acts by releasing the neurotransmitter from the cells independently of the biological release mechanism, and by preventing its reuptake back into the cell. That latter is the primary mechanism of dopamine and related neurotransmitter inactivation. One biological adaptive mechanism is that the number of receptor proteins embedded in adjacent cells will decrease in response to the extracellular overload of transmitter, but this decrease takes considerable time and is not in proportion to the increased dopamine availability caused by the drug. The enzymes that usually take care of the rest are saturated and also do not keep up. The damage downstream may or may not be corrected by biological adaptation; my opinion is that these, too, are beyond saturation. Any recovery will take a long, long time.

Remember that the only "brain" cells that regenerate are actually in the nasal cavity, not in the cerebrum. So if cells die as a consequence of this and if systems that normally might take over from trauma are also damaged, recovery prognosis is dim. It's extremely complex, and no treatment can address that.

Damn you are one smart and well educated human. I remembered it wrong from just a few hours after hearing it. It sure does sound like a worse problem for this society than any Terrorist cell. Maybe future Terrorism will involve flooding the American streets with this drug. I remember thinking Heron was devastating to people but this drug is a real death monster.
Damn you are one smart and well educated human. I remembered it wrong from just a few hours after hearing it. It sure does sound like a worse problem for this society than any Terrorist cell. Maybe future Terrorism will involve flooding the American streets with this drug. I remember thinking Heron was devastating to people but this drug is a real death monster.

At least heroin triggers appetite. Meth, cocaine, etc. are anorexic drugs.