10 months without media, just got back online. Please do share what did I miss?

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
The past 2 days have been crazy trying to catch up with what has been going on while also staying on what is current so I thought I would shoot this out there because I suspect I will not find everything especially with the escalation of this censorship of real news on mainstream etc.

To those who do, thanks for your input.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
The past 2 days have been crazy trying to catch up with what has been going on while also staying on what is current so I thought I would shoot this out there because I suspect I will not find everything especially with the escalation of this censorship of real news on mainstream etc.

To those who do, thanks for your input.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

The main thing is that Trump is gone for good.
The past 2 days have been crazy trying to catch up with what has been going on while also staying on what is current so I thought I would shoot this out there because I suspect I will not find everything especially with the escalation of this censorship of real news on mainstream etc.

To those who do, thanks for your input.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

basically all our institutions are sucking china's cock even harder.
Like with Trustees?

LOL. I think they stopped that long time ago.

It's basically if the prisoners are on good behavior, they can get on the Internet for an hour. Very limited though like they cannot communicate on it.

A deaf person I know has won a case to be able to access the Internet for an hour to use video phone for the deaf. He's currently at the penitentiary for double murder.

He sometimes calls me. I cannot call him though.
this doesn't include you, but I see alot of people here 'at least trump is gone', or still referring to trump and trumpers at the slightest provocation

We discuss past presidents all the time. I keep hearing from people about how glad they are about Obama and Bush being gone.
I guess there could be a comparison between FDR and trump for their actions.. doesn't explain why liberals still love FDR though

Nostalgic glasses are always 20/10. They like JFK too despite his cheating on Jackie and Dr. Feelgood shoot him up to relieve the pain in his back.

Republicans do the same thing for Reagan even though, by today's standards, Reagan is a "RINO".