10 Witnesses Go On Record: Atlantic 'Troops' Report is an Anti-Trump Hoax

Ten witnesses have now come forward to confirm, on the record, that The Atlantic's recent anonymously-sourced report, claiming the president blasted dead soldiers, is nothing more than an anti-Trump hoax.


There is ZERO proof that The Atlantic spoke to anybody. Anyone can claim they spoke to “anonymous “ sources.


Neon nettle. A pants on fire lying, tin foil hat bat shit crazy site for propaganda lovers and RW conspiracy fruitcakes. :rofl2:
Let me repeat.

Neon nettle. S pants on fire lying, tin foil hat bat shit crazy site for propaganda lover and RW conspiracy fruitcakes. That’s you, stupid fuck. :rofl2:

This is what the left considers on of their "intelligent" ones.

Let me repeat

Link to a named source that says he said it

White House Criticizes Anonymous Sources

A press briefing between reporters and White House press secretary Josh Earnest got testy Monday as reporters pushed back against the White House's criticism of a Washington Post story for relying on anonymous administration sources.

"The lead of that story is hooked entirely to anonymous sources," Earnest said of the Post report that Obama aides were warned of coming influx Central American minors into the United States. "That's just a fact."

Volsrok has sources that most rightys here would think were crazy. I don't know how he found such terribly slanted sources but he has to be looking for them.
Ten witnesses have now come forward to confirm, on the record, that The Atlantic's recent anonymously-sourced report, claiming the president blasted dead soldiers, is nothing more than an anti-Trump hoax.


There is ZERO proof that The Atlantic spoke to anybody. Anyone can claim they spoke to “anonymous “ sources.

Well that settles it, ten people who work for Trump said he didn’t do it, that’s reliable

As I said before, this is Trump’s own fault, he lied so much no one believes him, all people remember is how he dissed McCain, and Trump’s own denials, and those that worked for him, are worthless
Has anyone gone on record to claim it is true?

I hear there may be a tape according to some JPP leftist

Leftists will stop at nothing.

I used to think there were limits to their depraved minds. Clearly there isn’t.
Well that settles it, ten people who work for Trump said he didn’t do it, that’s reliable

As I said before, this is Trump’s own fault, he lied so much no one believes him, all people remember is how he dissed McCain, and Trump’s own denials, and those that worked for him, are worthless

McCain was a traitorous douchebag. He sold his boys out in Vietnam.
Ten witnesses have now come forward to confirm, on the record, that The Atlantic's recent anonymously-sourced report, claiming the president blasted dead soldiers, is nothing more than an anti-Trump hoax.


There is ZERO proof that The Atlantic spoke to anybody. Anyone can claim they spoke to “anonymous “ sources.

So people whose names we know have come forward and called the Atlantic article bullshit... How usual...
