100% Banned

not surprised howey talks about sexual perversions with minors

Not surprised you ran away like a scalded dog when someone finally called your bluff and took you up on your bullshit offer to "debate".

A pity you couldn't devote one TENTH of the energy you spent whining about how I wouldn't debate you into responding to shy guy's OP.

There might be actual debate going on right now...
Not surprised you ran away like a scalded dog when someone finally called your bluff and took you up on your bullshit offer to "debate".

A pity you couldn't devote one TENTH of the energy you spent whining about how I wouldn't debate you into responding to shy guy's OP.

There might be actual debate going on right now...

Who was that then? I must have missed it on my enforced vacation.
Who was that then? I must have missed it on my enforced vacation.

Oh, BHY spent all day last Wednesday whining about how I was too scared to engage him in open one on one debate. He whined on and on about wanting to have threads devoted to one on one debate.

Shy Guy eventually took him up on his offer and laid down a nice OP over on the APP forum...since that time...Yurt's been avoiding the boards like the plague.
Oh, BHY spent all day last Wednesday whining about how I was too scared to engage him in open one on one debate. He whined on and on about wanting to have threads devoted to one on one debate.

Shy Guy eventually took him up on his offer and laid down a nice OP over on the APP forum...since that time...Yurt's been avoiding the boards like the plague.

and the whiny hypocrite lies again

my oh my....yurt has work and took a vacation, that must mean i don't want to debate

you're a fucking joke sappyretard...especially given the fact YOU RAN AWAY from my debate challenge

and the whiny hypocrite lies again

my oh my....yurt has work and took a vacation, that must mean i don't want to debate

you're a fucking joke sappyretard...especially given the fact YOU RAN AWAY from my debate challenge


As was clearly pointed out to you last week.

My decision not to debate you was based on your refusal to answer a single straightforward question beforehand.

I asked you time and again to just answer my one simple question...which you refused to do.

You can't blame me for coming to the conclusion that if you wouldn't answer even a single question honestly, your claim that you wanted open, honest debate was probably just more of the same YurtShit you spray all over these boards.

Oh wait...you're a two-faced coward...of COURSE you'll find a way to blame me for your cowardice.
meltdown on aisle 9...we need clean up immediately

staphinfectionguitar, no one takes you seriously. you can't whine about me being absent from the board as proof i won't debate because it simply isn't true, and because you REFUSE TO DEBATE because you're a coward.

you're a pussy. i answered your dumb question and when i GAVE you an opportunity to have a clean debate with me, you shit on it as is your usual. if you could debate me, you would. you can't because you're stupid and know i would wipe the debate floor with you.
As was clearly pointed out to you last week.

My decision not to debate you was based on your refusal to answer a single straightforward question beforehand.

I asked you time and again to just answer my one simple question...which you refused to do.

You can't blame me for coming to the conclusion that if you wouldn't answer even a single question honestly, your claim that you wanted open, honest debate was probably just more of the same YurtShit you spray all over these boards.

Oh wait...you're a two-faced coward...of COURSE you'll find a way to blame me for your cowardice.

What was the question?
meltdown on aisle 9...we need clean up immediately

staphinfectionguitar, no one takes you seriously. you can't whine about me being absent from the board as proof i won't debate because it simply isn't true, and because you REFUSE TO DEBATE because you're a coward.

you're a pussy. i answered your dumb question and when i GAVE you an opportunity to have a clean debate with me, you shit on it as is your usual. if you could debate me, you would. you can't because you're stupid and know i would wipe the debate floor with you.

What's really hysterical is anyone can check over the past few days...you know...the same few days you've been off hiding and hoping everyone forgot your little tantrum about one on one debate.

Anyway, anyone can check and see that I was engaged in civil, open, HONEST debate on several threads with several different posters here, while you were cowering under another rock waiting for the heat to die down so you could return and start flaming everyone again.

Now why don't you run along and start another personal attack thread dedicated to Howey...it's been DAYS since you're last petty attack.
What's really hysterical is anyone can check over the past few days...you know...the same few days you've been off hiding and hoping everyone forgot your little tantrum about one on one debate.

Anyway, anyone can check and see that I was engaged in civil, open, HONEST debate on several threads with several different posters here, while you were cowering under another rock waiting for the heat to die down so you could return and start flaming everyone again.

Now why don't you run along and start another personal attack thread dedicated to Howey...it's been DAYS since you're last petty attack.

lie # 1 - you've been engaged in your same petty derision and personal insults since last week

lie #2 - i've already responded to the debate with shyguy

you're pathetic, truly pathetic...you whine i allegedly run away from a debate, YET, it was ACTUALLY YOU WHO RAN AWAY

and let it be known zappa is a stalker who monitors my every post and time on this board...what a loser

What was the question?

It involved an incident at a Chucky Cheese where a woman, legally licensed to carry a gun, got angry, chambered her weapon and stuck it in another customer's face.

I referred to her as a "responsible gun owner", Yurt wanted to know who determined she was "responsible", to which I responded the State of Connecticut did when they issued her the CCL permit.

Yurt then spent the next several pages trying to divert the discussion by focusing on ridiculous minutiae, DUI laws in different states and whining about how others refer to him, coupled of course with a heaping helping of Yurt's patented taunts and derision...I finally pointed out just how he was wrong and he immediately began trying to derail the thread.

Yurt claims he proved she wasn't considered "responsible" by the state of Connecticut, I asked him to show me precisely WHERE he did just that, and of course he refused.

Over and over and over and over...
It involved an incident at a Chucky Cheese where a woman, legally licensed to carry a gun, got angry, chambered her weapon and stuck it in another customer's face.

I referred to her as a "responsible gun owner", Yurt wanted to know who determined she was "responsible", to which I responded the State of Connecticut did when they issued her the CCL permit.

Yurt then spent the next several pages trying to divert the discussion by focusing on ridiculous minutiae, DUI laws in different states and whining about how others refer to him, coupled of course with a heaping helping of Yurt's patented taunts and derision...I finally pointed out just how he was wrong and he immediately began trying to derail the thread.

Yurt claims he proved she wasn't considered "responsible" by the state of Connecticut, I asked him to show me precisely WHERE he did just that, and of course he refused.

Over and over and over and over...


notice he ADMITS i responded to his question (several pages about DUI laws etc), he just simply didn't like my answers. he merely claims i "diverted" the topic etc....par for the course for him.

notice he ADMITS i responded to his question (several pages about DUI laws etc), he just simply didn't like my answers. he merely claims i "diverted" the topic etc....par for the course for him.

Of course, the bottom line...that ButtHurtYurt IGNORES...is that Yurt claimed he proved she wasn't responsible. I asked him to show me where he supposedly did this and he just ran away.

Ran away...each and every time I asked him.

Please Yurt, I asked him, just give me the post # and I will go look it up.

Ran like the coward he is.
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let's do a short recap:

zappa: yurt never proved his point

zappa: yurt gave me several PAGES of responses that he argued was his point

zappa: yurt never answered my question

It involved an incident at a Chucky Cheese where a woman, legally licensed to carry a gun, got angry, chambered her weapon and stuck it in another customer's face.

I referred to her as a "responsible gun owner", Yurt wanted to know who determined she was "responsible", to which I responded the State of Connecticut did when they issued her the CCL permit.

Yurt then spent the next several pages trying to divert the discussion by focusing on ridiculous minutiae, DUI laws in different states and whining about how others refer to him, coupled of course with a heaping helping of Yurt's patented taunts and derision...I finally pointed out just how he was wrong and he immediately began trying to derail the thread.

Yurt claims he proved she wasn't considered "responsible" by the state of Connecticut, I asked him to show me precisely WHERE he did just that, and of course he refused.

Over and over and over and over...

I must confess that I cannot begin to understand what the term responsible means in an American context. If somebody pulled a gun like that in England then a SWAT type unit would be called pretty damned quick.
let's do a short recap:

zappa: yurt never proved his point

zappa: yurt gave me several PAGES of responses that he argued was his point

zappa: yurt never answered my question


Why expect honesty from BHY at this point?

He won't discuss a topic with any honesty.

He won't admit how wrong he was even when presented with the evidence.

And now he's putting words in my mouth once again.
Why expect honesty from BHY at this point?

He won't discuss a topic with any honesty.

He won't admit how wrong he was even when presented with the evidence.

And now he's putting words in my mouth once again.

ignoring your usual "he is not honest" bullshit....what words did i put in your mouth. be specific.
ignoring your usual "he is not honest" bullshit....what words did i put in your mouth. be specific.

Ignoring the other person is what you do best, isn't it? You still won't answer my question, but once again BHY expects me to hop to it and answer his...ROTFLMAO!!

You see, this is why no one wants to "debate" you.