100 Days, 100 Mistakes!

now how many more guesses? we in alaska don't cater to people calling us names, especially a liberal name
No homophobic at all. Low said across the pond they are proud of liberalism, it stands for society.... Here, it stands for Gay Marriage and ramming that down society's throat against its will, through liberal judicial activism. Fuck Society!

I actually think I have as many gay friends as straight ones, not sure about that, but it's close. My personal feeling are, whatever cranks your tractor, I don't care. It makes no difference in how I see you as a person, or how I treat you. I am an advocate for Civil Unions, because I believe gay couples should have the same benefits/opportunities as their straight counterparts. I don't support "gay marriage" because it's an oxymoron. I don't advocate changing a primarily religious institution and redefining it based on sexual lifestyle... I think it opens a really ugly can of worms society doesn't want to open. I've made my case for this before, and it has nothing to do with fearing gay people or hating gays.

Your reply is typical for you. Rather than being honest, and posting sincerely, you had rather try to interject some slam on me, or make some off-the-wall remark which is totally devoid of reality.

What, do you have rice paper for skin? Callous up buddy.

Anyhow, I've got no qualms with you view on civil unions. If it boils down to what term is used to describe it, I couldn't care less what it was called.
Actually, I've had a great education, including English. :)

Hmmm that remind me of a cute and true story. My wife is from SE Asia. When I told my parents I was marrying her my father's first question was "Does she even speak English?". To which I said "She speaks it about as well as your average Southerner." To which my father said "Hmmpphh, that's not saying much!" LOL
Hmmm that remind me of a cute and true story. My wife is from SE Asia. When I told my parents I was marrying her my father's first question was "Does she even speak English?". To which I said "She speaks it about as well as your average Southerner." To which my father said "Hmmpphh, that's not saying much!" LOL
Tell one about "gimps", finish off with a racist joke and you've got a well-rounded routine...