100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.


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In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education



thats just the ones they have caught so far!

yup, lets just bring that caravan right on in!!!! Idiots

And the Commie left could care less if Americans end up dying as long as these scum can come into the country and vote Democrat
In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education



thats just the ones they have caught so far!

yup, lets just bring that caravan right on in!!!! Idiots

And the Commie left could care less if Americans end up dying as long as these scum can come into the country and vote Democrat

Judicial Watch is always trying to stir up a firestorm.. and they are usually wrong.
And the Commie left could care less if Americans end up dying as long as these scum can come into the country and vote Democrat

It's more insidious than just votes. Notice all the military aged men in these caravans, both in Europe and now headed to the US? This is an invasion of Muslims warriors into predominantly Christian countries.
It's more insidious than just votes. Notice all the military aged men in these caravans, both in Europe and now headed to the US? This is an invasion of Muslims warriors into predominantly Christian countries.

Bull... but get worked up if you like.
In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation. Why should Americans care about this? A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north. Let’s not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama’s open border free-for-all. They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education



thats just the ones they have caught so far!

yup, lets just bring that caravan right on in!!!! Idiots

And the Commie left could care less if Americans end up dying as long as these scum can come into the country and vote Democrat

'And the band played "Believe it if you like"'.
Guatemala has long been known as a major smuggling corridor for foreigners from African and Asian countries making their way into the U.S. Last year Guatemala’s largest paper, Prensa Libra, published an in-depth piece on the inner workings of an international human smuggling network that moves migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh to the U.S. Individuals are sent to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates then flown to Brazil before heading to Colombia. Once in South America, the migrants are transported to Panama before moving on to Costa Rica then a central point on Guatemala. One Spanish news report refers to Guatemala as a human smuggling paradise because it’s so easy to get fake passports. A few years ago, the head of Guatemala’s passport division got arrested for selling fake passports to a group of Colombians, according to a government announcement.

All this makes ISIS terrorists operating in Guatemala incredibly alarming. President Jimmy Morales confirmed it during a recent security conference attended by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as well as the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador and other Latin American dignitaries. Morales said that his administration has captured “close to 100 persons completely involved with terrorists, with ISIS and we have not only detained them within our territory, but they have been deported to their country of origin.” Several of the terrorists were Syrians caught with fake documents, according to Guatemala’s head of intelligence. At the same event, President Morales also revealed that Guatemalan authorities captured more than 1,000 gangbangers, including members of the MS-13.
Democrats want the United States to battle caravan women - - those holding young children will be put at the front. Just like ISIS does.

Organizers are looking for a 'Kent State' picture - dead children as their path back to power.

Dead children, screaming women, snap pictures, change an election. The Democrat 'plan'...
Here is a link to President Jimmy Morales from a Central America NEWS SOURCE

According to the president, his administration has captured "close to 100 people completely linked to terrorist issues



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nice link

and that washed up comedian/president Morales of Guatemala?...........where's his proof?.......hiding at the Comedy Store?