105+ a gallon


that is not gal but barrel which is 29 gallons.
And its going way higher which is only fair.

You really need to get out of the office more often...I was under the impression that a barrel was 50 gals...at any rate 105 per barrel is highway robbery!
Demand for Gas is dropping, or at least the increase in demand is slowing I am not sure which.
It decrease will accelerate this year as the price rises. But unfortunately not enough. I figure $5/gal gas will be needed to get people to really conserve.
But the main thing driving oil price in america is the dropping dollar. And as more places move off the dollar....
us demand was down 1 percent last year. World demand was way up due mainly to millions of chineese and Indians. We will see 4 gal in a yr or two.
us demand was down 1 percent last year. World demand was way up due mainly to millions of chineese and Indians. We will see 4 gal in a yr or two.

I have read "experts" saying it might hit $4/gal US average price for the summer driving season. and over $4/gal gas has been seen in CA. And I expect HI and AK are already paying that.

Of course we know to discount what all oil experts say if you disagree spinner.
Sohow are you doing...?

wow I'm offended police academy III doesn't approve. Hahaha lofl
ya Nazi

Graduating from Middle School this year...surely not HS I do believe you still have to pass basic english as well as a few other required courses!;)
your so olllld your reverting to junior high slams.
My car though not expensive is worth 5x your red neck truck.

your so olllld your reverting to junior high slams.
My car though not expensive is worth 5x your red neck truck.

right...in your dreams! and the old red truck is not all I own...and drive!:cof1:

Wellit has been a fun night and all...but all things must come to a end...even entertainment!.........Night y'all!
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