12/20/07 Prediction

I wouldn't be dumbfounded at a Romney nomination, but I would be surprised. The guy looks like a cartoon president. And he waffles more than BDW. Who would elect this man?

George Bush looked like a buffoon who couldn't string two sentences together to me in 2000. But, he had the republican establishment behind him. And people voted for him.

I can see Romeny being nominated. As the lesser of all evils; he's a flawed candidate to be sure.
George Bush looked like a buffoon who couldn't string two sentences together to me in 2000. But, he had the republican establishment behind him. And people voted for him.

I can see Romeny being nominated. As the lesser of all evils; he's a flawed candidate to be sure.

W was a fundie. That's why he won. Romney is a mormon, a satanist.
I have been aflicted by the dem bug, every one of the republicans scares me as far as progress on civil rights.
A satanist? Wow. I've never heard LDS members described quite that way.

Well, I'm just regurgitating what I hear from people I know that are Evangelical. They look at Mormons as tools of the Devil, not much different than satanists.
Obaman or Hillary
Romney or Rudy

I think when you put Romney against Hillary in a debate Romney is going to trounce her. Hes far more presidential looking and acting. The guy won governor in MA.. and came the closest to unseating Ted Kennedy. If he wasn't a Mormon hed win without question..

Romney against Obama will be a tough one. Both are self made for most part... Both very well spoken.

Rudy versus Hillary.. god help us

Rudy versus Obama.. Obama by landslide.

Except the Romney is an idiot and everyone will be able to see it.

Hillary may be fake and dodge a lot of questions but she's not stupid about it.
I wouldn't be dumbfounded at a Romney nomination, but I would be surprised. The guy looks like a cartoon president. And he waffles more than BDW. Who would elect this man?

The same people who elected Texas cartoon named Bush.
The only other contengency I see possable is that the Republicans could wake up early enough, change tracks and nominate McCain. I still belive Senator Clinton would win by a nose.
The Democratic Nominee will be Senator Clinton

The Republican Nominee will be Mitt Romney

The next president of the United States will be Senator Clinton, by a nose.

If Romney is the (R) nominee, she will win by more than a nose.