2 women suicide bombers were not downs syndrome retards.


Villified User
The military is admitting this now.
Strange how this did not get front page news like the false assertion did.

btw the @ should be a 2...;)
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Thanks for proving my point Damo. Most everyone heard about the women being retards, this was back page stuff. Guess which way that the general population will remember it ?
Google is yer friend.
As well as it is yours. It's your story.

What is it with people who want to prove a point who are too lazy to back up their own stuff with a link? It's getting annoying.
Show me a paper or news show where it got as big of a billing as the origional false story Damo. The correct version was not even in the local newspapers.

Look dude. The story is continuing.

While the girls didn't have Down's there is reason to believe that they were recruited in ways that we would find disgusting.

The apparent recruiting effort came to light this month when Iraqi officials said that two female bombers in deadly pet market attacks in Baghdad that left nearly 100 dead were mentally challenged.

One of the female bombers had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression at Baghdad's Ibn Rushd psychiatric hospital, where she received electric shock treatments, the hospital's director said in an exclusive interview.

As part of the investigation into the February 1 attack, U.S. and Iraqi forces detained the acting director of Baghdad's main psychiatric facility, Rashad Hospital, on Sunday. Watch how using women may represent a new tactic »

He faces questions about whether he provided patient files and contact information to al Qaeda in Iraq, a U.S. military spokesman, Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, said Wednesday.

The U.S. military is looking into whether there is a direct link between the two hospitals, which are treating an overabundance of Iraqis suffering from psychiatric disorders brought on by the war.

The story goes on...

I am sure we will find future stories as well. I don't think it makes them look any better to use psychiatric patients.
How it makes the Iraqi insurgents is your point not mine. My point was our govt propaganda and how the media has become merely an amplifier board for our govt.
Keep on spinning there Damo.
How it makes the Iraqi insurgents is your point not mine. My point was our govt propaganda and how the media has become merely an amplifier board for our govt.
Keep on spinning there Damo.
Yeah, my "spin" is to actually find the stories you said didn't exist, right there out on the front of the pages you said I couldn't find them on...

That's "spin" all right. Carry on.
I am so sick of this mess.

I really wish we could pull out and let them sort out their own country.

Any minute now we are going to pass the 4000 dead mark and for what?
Yeah Desh it might be hard to find an Iraqi at this point that does not have mental problems. Whether treated or not.
Damo might just as well admit he supports the war of his party.
Yeah Desh it might be hard to find an Iraqi at this point that does not have mental problems. Whether treated or not.
Damo might just as well admit he supports the war of his party.
Strawman Ad hominem attack to distract again from the fact that the "point" you were making was easily proven wrong.
I am so sick of this mess.

I really wish we could pull out and let them sort out their own country.

Any minute now we are going to pass the 4000 dead mark and for what?
we have to fight them there so we don't fight them here. See they were planning a big well coordinated amphibious assault of both coasts at the same time taking us totally unawares and causing massive civilian casualties.