2004 MoveOn.Org Ad Depicted President Bush as Adolf Hitler; No Democrat Outrage - Vid

Via Gateway Pundit

Here is video of a 2004 MoveOn.Org ad that blatantly compared President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler. The ad was run in opposition to the War in Iraq. I don't recall hearing any Democrats condemn MoveOn.Org or refuse to use money provided by it's primary source of funding - George Soros.
YouTube - Bush Hitler


I'd like to know why you think no Democrats condemned MoveOn for this five-year old ad.

Were you as outraged when supporters of President Bush used TV ads morphing the face of Sen. Max Cleland (D-GA) into that of Osama Bin Laden during the 2002 Senate race?

Were you outraged when repubs compared Obama to bin Laden via an ad by "Concerned Citizens of America"?

You're sounding pretty desperate, mimi. :(
I'd like to know why you think no Democrats condemned MoveOn for this five-year old ad.

Were you as outraged when supporters of President Bush used TV ads morphing the face of Sen. Max Cleland (D-GA) into that of Osama Bin Laden during the 2002 Senate race?

Were you outraged when repubs compared Obama to bin Laden via an ad by "Concerned Citizens of America"?

You're sounding pretty desperate, mimi. :(

Were you outraged when the Dems depicted Bush having sex with leiberman? I could go on and on and on.
Were you outraged when the Dems depicted Bush having sex with leiberman? I could go on and on and on.

Yes, I was. And furthermore I emailed MoveOn about the bush ad and about the Petraeus ad. So mimi's allegation that no Dems condemned these ads is strictly her delusion.
Yes, I was. And furthermore I emailed MoveOn about the bush ad and about the Petraeus ad. So mimi's allegation that no Dems condemned these ads is strictly her delusion.

as you can see the comment with the video is from the site I posted this from..I have not said anything on this, YET..
Were you outraged when the Dems depicted Bush having sex with leiberman? I could go on and on and on.

I can't personally say I was outraged, but I was embarassed.

I consider stuff like that distracting from real issues, and generally do not like it when either side engages in it. In fact, it often undermines very legitimate criticism that people with any seriousness are trying to make.

If you catch me defending or turning a willful blind eye to that kind of BS simply because it comes from the "left," like you do for the right, I'd be interested to see it.
Why do you intentionally misspell her name?

It was a set-up, TwoTwo. :rolleyes:

I was waiting to hear you ask that so I could segue into asking you why you think "mimi" is a problem while you approve of your classless pals using names like "mattressback", "stupid stinky tuna twat", or "Lady Tuna".

Hope that clears it up.
It was a set-up, TwoTwo. :rolleyes:

I was waiting to hear you ask that so I could segue into asking you why you think "mimi" is a problem while you approve of your classless pals using names like "mattressback", "stupid stinky tuna twat", or "Lady Tuna".

Hope that clears it up.

so, I'm just someone you decided to "use"...do you do that often to people?

never mind...I can only guess..:rolleyes:
so, I'm just someone you decided to "use"...do you do that often to people?

never mind...I can only guess..:rolleyes:

Don't fall into her trap of "your pals". See, chris, has never had a problem with her pals calling conservative women cunts, whores, sluts, or bitches... It's a no win argument that she loves to draw posters into. The "your side is worse" argument is as stupid, whiney, and shrill as chris herself.
It was a set-up, TwoTwo. :rolleyes:

I was waiting to hear you ask that so I could segue into asking you why you think "mimi" is a problem while you approve of your classless pals using names like "mattressback", "stupid stinky tuna twat", or "Lady Tuna".

Hope that clears it up.

Awe, Ethel dear, please try to be honest and tell us what happened and who said what, preceding these comments. You can do it dear, I know you can.
Don't fall into her trap of "your pals". See, chris, has never had a problem with her pals calling conservative women cunts, whores, sluts, or bitches... It's a no win argument that she loves to draw posters into. The "your side is worse" argument is as stupid, whiney, and shrill as chris herself.

don't worry, I wasn't falling for anything...
I can see what the game is, I learn real quick..
The typical anger against George Soros is misplaced. Soros should be admired by Conservatives. He is super frickin' rich, he's used his massive wealth to bring expanded freedom and democracy to millions of people in developing countries, and he continues to do so both here and abroad.

He's surely succeeded in nation building many more times than some others we can mention.

If their only beef with him is that he was against their fake-conservative President, they really ought to give that one up. The Bush years are over and nobody, even with all the challenges ahead of us, really wants to go back to that.
Even if the numbers are small,

It must suck to be hypocritical Democrat pinhead and be smart enough and honest enough to know it.....
Even if the numbers are small,

It must suck to be hypocritical Democrat pinhead and be smart enough and honest enough to know it.....

See now that is the difference between liberal pinheads and con pinheads. The liberals know it.