2008 Electoral Projection

FYI Watermark - pre-1992, we Republicans were Blue, and you Dems were Red. But then those populist morons cemented their 12 year quest for control over the GOP, causing it to lose the WH, and then established its own minions in the Congress within 2 years...
FYI Watermark - pre-1992, we Republicans were Blue, and you Dems were Red.

Before 1992 there really wasn't any set coloring scheme. But the way it turned out was truly odd, as red is associated with SOCIALISM in EVERY other nation on Earth. Conservatives are usually either blue, purple, or black, never red. But not even moderately left-wing parties choose to identify themselves with red, because it's so associated with communism. I'm serious, we are the only nation that identifies our right with red and our left with blue.

But then those populist morons cemented their 12 year quest for control over the GOP, causing it to lose the WH, and then established its own minions in the Congress within 2 years...

The map I posted was from 1964. ;)

The south only went with Goldwater because he voted against the civil rights act. I don't think his intentions were racist but it did get him a ton of support amongst him.
uhhhhmm, no you couldn't. It woulod've killed about 3% of californians. That would be like my stocks going down 3% and me yelling "I almost lost all of my money today!"

Where the hell did you go to school to learn math son? There are approximately 35 million people living in California. If all but 1.2 million were killed, that means 33.8 of 35 million were killed ("almost" all!). Where do you get that's 3%?
Same place you did, except with black people.

Sorry you are so mired in the past, but I had black school mates all through school. Desegregation happened almost 50 years ago, but apparently you didn't hear about it. I can understand why you don't want to defend your stupidity in math, but why you want to keep insinuating I am racist, is beyond me. Is that just a lack of ethics or moral character, or what? If I call someone "racist" I am damn sure going to have my facts straight about it, but I guess you live without fear here in your little cyberworld. You can call me "racist" every time you see me post, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it... but let me tell you something punk, you wouldn't say it to my face and live to tell about it.
Sorry you are so mired in the past, but I had black school mates all through school. Desegregation happened almost 50 years ago, but apparently you didn't hear about it. I can understand why you don't want to defend your stupidity in math, but why you want to keep insinuating I am racist, is beyond me. Is that just a lack of ethics or moral character, or what? If I call someone "racist" I am damn sure going to have my facts straight about it, but I guess you live without fear here in your little cyberworld. You can call me "racist" every time you see me post, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it... but let me tell you something punk, you wouldn't say it to my face and live to tell about it.

Here is mine:


Seriously your map is absolutely ludicrous. It's absolutely the same as the 2000 one. I would be seriously surprised if the dynamics exactly mirrored themselves like that.

Plus, betting money is on Obama.
Before 1992 there really wasn't any set coloring scheme. But the way it turned out was truly odd, as red is associated with SOCIALISM in EVERY other nation on Earth. Conservatives are usually either blue, purple, or black, never red. But not even moderately left-wing parties choose to identify themselves with red, because it's so associated with communism. I'm serious, we are the only nation that identifies our right with red and our left with blue.

The map I posted was from 1964. ;)

The south only went with Goldwater because he voted against the civil rights act. I don't think his intentions were racist but it did get him a ton of support amongst him.

Yeah, I know. I'm not sure which was the more disastrous GOP candidate in history - Grant or Goldwater - but we are still sufforing from it today. Now, if we could have been smart and run Sen. Lodge or Gov. Scranton, we might have gotten somewheres. Dumbasses.
I doubt Ohio goes Republican this time.

Yea, so do I. Rebupblicans kind of shit in their own nest here and the public is still pissed about it. Though to be honest, it's gonna be close. Lets not kid our selves there are vast numbers of people who will put there beliefs and politics aside in a heart beat cause there no way in hell the'll vote for a nigger....and unfortunately I have a number of those in my own family.

I fear for Obama.
Sorry you are so mired in the past, but I had black school mates all through school. Desegregation happened almost 50 years ago, but apparently you didn't hear about it. I can understand why you don't want to defend your stupidity in math, but why you want to keep insinuating I am racist, is beyond me. Is that just a lack of ethics or moral character, or what? If I call someone "racist" I am damn sure going to have my facts straight about it, but I guess you live without fear here in your little cyberworld. You can call me "racist" every time you see me post, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it... but let me tell you something punk, you wouldn't say it to my face and live to tell about it.

Sorry you are so mired in the past, but I had black school mates all through school. Desegregation happened almost 50 years ago, but apparently you didn't hear about it. I can understand why you don't want to defend your stupidity in math, but why you want to keep insinuating I am racist, is beyond me. Is that just a lack of ethics or moral character, or what? If I call someone "racist" I am damn sure going to have my facts straight about it, but I guess you live without fear here in your little cyberworld. You can call me "racist" every time you see me post, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it... but let me tell you something punk, you wouldn't say it to my face and live to tell about it.

Desergregation in Tuscaloosa AL happened when I was starting the third grade. I am only 48 years old, but I still remember segregated schools. There is a significant portion of the population that remembers, firsthand, how segregation worked.

Yes Dixie, I think you are racist. I don't think you would join a lynchmob or the kkk, but I think you are a racist. I live in Alabama and work in Georgia. Let me know when & where you would like for me to say it to your face.
I agree with most of the map, although I think McCain has a shot in CA. Bush almost won it last time, and John is certainly a CA style Republican. Plus, it is adjoining his home state, not that means a lot, but I think he has a better chance than Bush did in CA. He may also snag New Mexico, since he is a "local" in those parts. Another factor will be who he picks as a running mate. Mitt Romney, and he may win a state or two in the Northeast liberal mecca.

Barr will get nowhere close to 4%, he will be lucky to get 2%, and I am a Bob Barr fan! That is just the nature of third-party presidential candidates, and reality speaking. But I understand your enthusiasm.

The popular vote will not be as close as you have predicted. I say it's McCain 52% Obama 47%...maaaaybe 48% The rest will be divided between the dozen or so yahoos who are running third party.

I honestly think the Obamamania will fade before November, and without the "Operation Chaos" Republican votes, it will be very difficult for Obama. I'm just not convinced that a large chunk of his support wasn't from people who just didn't want to see Hillary win the nomination.

Bush almost won California? In what kinda delusional world do you live in? That one comment alone voids all of your other predictions...

Ohhh, I forgot, you are always wrong.

Remember the End of Major Combat Operations?
Dixie, what did you predict would happen in the 2006 congressional elections? Ill have to go back and see what I can find...
Desergregation in Tuscaloosa AL happened when I was starting the third grade. I am only 48 years old, but I still remember segregated schools. There is a significant portion of the population that remembers, firsthand, how segregation worked.

Yes Dixie, I think you are racist. I don't think you would join a lynchmob or the kkk, but I think you are a racist. I live in Alabama and work in Georgia. Let me know when & where you would like for me to say it to your face.

He has that kind of almost subconscious, not so blatant but still there racism that was normal among southerners after the civil rights era and before the nineties.
Yea, so do I. Rebupblicans kind of shit in their own nest here and the public is still pissed about it. Though to be honest, it's gonna be close. Lets not kid our selves there are vast numbers of people who will put there beliefs and politics aside in a heart beat cause there no way in hell the'll vote for a nigger....and unfortunately I have a number of those in my own family.

I fear for Obama.

It kind of makes me happy that the only way Republicans imagine themselves winning is by a hair-thin margin, while Democrats are usually predicting a landslide. I think it will probably be a four to six point margin for Obama. He'll probably win Ohio, a few border states, maybe Florida, and he'll start encroaching into the west (which isn't happy with its uneasy alliance with the religious southern right at all). Which will give him a landslide in the electoral college.
I'm proud to say that I spent only 17 weeks in the south for Air Force training, and that's it. You can't beat the Pacific NW anyway...