2008: The Year Man-Made Global Warming Was disproved


New member
This is a great piece and it sums up 3 important points that the media has largely ignored:

1. Temperatures not just locally, but around the world are colder than usual this year.
2. The number of scientists who are climate sceptics is increasing.
3. With the global downturn, politicians who want kooky costly government schemes to drive up the price of many things and whom fell in love with simplistic low-power costly generating means like solar and wind power in the name of combatting global warming are waking up to the fact that people are not in as great a position to be able to handle this anymore.

Whether or not Global Warming is a man made phenomenon that has legitimate scientific backing is something that is unknown to me.

However I am sure that it is a political tool used to garner votes and throw money around.

I will oppose any attempt to appropriate my tax dollars to illogical programs meant to combat perceived threats to the environment.
The right can't disprove the fact that is global warming. All they can do is be monsters of doubt and fear. They are no better than creationists/those who support intelligent design.
The right can't disprove the fact that is global warming. All they can do is be monsters of doubt and fear. They are no better than creationists/those who support intelligent design.

Spreading doubt (by facts) you can certainly accuse the right and sceptics of. Spreading fear on global warming, the left has a virtual lock on. That's largely what propelled such a quick majority view on the subject in favor of believing manmade global warming, playing off an ancient fear of man that he is doing too well and must make sacrifice.

One scientist specifically said they came out as a sceptic at last because they could no longer take such ridicule about people like you who compare them to flat-earthers or intelligent design theorists.
The right can't disprove the fact that is global warming. All they can do is be monsters of doubt and fear. They are no better than creationists/those who support intelligent design.

Also, you did note the part about WORLDWIDE temps dropping right? You did note the part about the number of climate sceptic scientists INCREASING right?
Manmade global warming is already being disproved.
well. Like it or not. Our economies will soon be supressed into nothingness by "green" legislation. The new green jobs are jobs for thugs who will go around supressing any Off-grid production through force.
this was expected since $4/gal gas does not polute nearly as bad :D
We will have to see how next year goes with the cheaper gas.
I am a real man, not one of straw!
This reminds me of "The Prisoner" for some reason. Now that was a television show that was way ahead of the curve on premise.

Number 2: "You are, number six."

Number 6: "I am not a number, I am a free man!"

Number 2: Laughs maniacally...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AL7npkSXZE"]YouTube - The Prisoner opening titles[/ame]
The right can't disprove the fact that is global warming. All they can do is be monsters of doubt and fear. They are no better than creationists/those who support intelligent design.
the truth is those of you that believe in man made global warming CAN'T prove it. It is not the job of the skeptics to prove something does not exist. You cannot prove a negative.
May 14, 2008

"It's official. Polar bears are a federally designated endangered species.

Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne made the announcement this very hour that the Bush Administration is declaring the bears endangered because the melting Arctic ice pack, courtesy of global warming, threatens their habitat..."

"In areas where long-term studies are available, populations are showing signs of stress due to shrinking sea ice. Canada's Western Hudson Bay population has dropped 22% since the early 1980s. The declines have been directly linked to an earlier ice break-up on Hudson Bay. A long-term study of the Southern Beaufort Sea population, which spans the northern coast of Alaska and western Canada, has revealed a decline in cub survival rates and in the weight and skull size of adult males. Such declines were observed in Western Hudson Bay bears prior to the population drop there."

Hey, whats the big deal, polar bears don't turn a profit. What good are they? They are just in the way of progress and drilling. But out of the goodness of his little black heart(actually he was forced) Bush put them on the endangered list because their habitat is disappearing. FACT
Why is the habitat disappearing? Because of global warming.
Is this warming trend man made? Not 100% IMO. But man contributes to the overall effect of global warming. FACT

Some of you remind me of the live lobster in the pot of warming water. Before you know it you're dinner.
Good tidings indeed.

My new New Year's resolution will be to burn those old tyres and refrigerators littering the back garden.
This is a great piece and it sums up 3 important points that the media has largely ignored:

1. Temperatures not just locally, but around the world are colder than usual this year.
2. The number of scientists who are climate sceptics is increasing.
3. With the global downturn, politicians who want kooky costly government schemes to drive up the price of many things and whom fell in love with simplistic low-power costly generating means like solar and wind power in the name of combatting global warming are waking up to the fact that people are not in as great a position to be able to handle this anymore.


you'll notice though that the argument is subtlety being changed to "global climate change" rather than global warming.
Also, you did note the part about WORLDWIDE temps dropping right? You did note the part about the number of climate sceptic scientists INCREASING right?
Manmade global warming is already being disproved.

A one year outlier proves nothing, and a conservative economist "scientist", or a random biologist, signing your dumbass petition also proves nothing.
A one year outlier proves nothing, and a conservative economist "scientist", or a random biologist, signing your dumbass petition also proves nothing.
Petition? Of the climate sceptics I've seen they usually only bother to list scientists in related fields, like astrophysicists, geologists, climatologists, etc...

If a one-year difference proves nothing, then had all those who had predicted we would see this year as one of the hottest on record been right you would of course also dismissed it as not relevant right?

You are just being a very very typical teenage Liberal rebel, why not try and be different?
you'll notice though that the argument is subtlety being changed to "global climate change" rather than global warming.
Yeah, warming you can more easily dispute, but who can argue climate change, the weather is always different each year with some days of extremes in any type of weather. So long as anything ever happens abnormal each year it can more easily and safely be blamed on man.

So what's going on man, are you still in the hospital? Have a good Christmas?