2008: The Year Man-Made Global Warming Was disproved

A one year outlier proves nothing, and a conservative economist "scientist", or a random biologist, signing your dumbass petition also proves nothing.

Things we know right now....

1) 1934 was the warmest year on record. Followed by a tie between 1998 and 2005.

2) No year has been warmer in the last decade than 1998. So at a minimum, you have TEN years, not one in which the earth has not warmed (on average for the year) beyond the 1998 and 2005 highs.

3) If you look at the time between 1934 and today, obviously the trend is down (as it must be if cherry picking the start point as the all time high). If you look between 1970 and today, it is an upward trend with a spike in the mid 1990's and flatline since 1998.

So is man the cause? Should we be spending ANY money to find out how much man is to blame? Or should we just do everything we can to reduce pollution and emissions?