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because you are making an incorrect statement about our rules so as a mod I pretty much have to clarify that's not the case.

Aside from the fact that we're making a mountain out of a throw-away comment molehill, let's also say that I also had this forum confused with another one when I said that.

I think it's technically against some law or other to impersonate a public figure on a message board, but maybe not. I remember a bunch of morons talking about it on my other board because someone was posting as "The Piano Man" and a real dummy actually thought it could be Billy Joel. His screen name was Swan Module and he fancied himself an intellectual. It was hilarious and he never lived it down.

There are some states that have played with online impersonation laws, however it would be very difficult to prove. Especially with political figures where you can use their images, etc. legally without their consent due to fair use laws as well as the fact that you can actually use music etc, along with images, to create parodies.

The easiest defense against it in a court would be "It was a parody"...

I thought so too, but apparently not.

In California, the state where this forum is registered as operating from, it is illegal to impersonate another person on an internet forum.

One thing that reached new heights of both stupidity and tragedy in 2010 was the trend of online impersonation. If you're shaking your USB-enabled cane and shouting "there oughta be a law" in between pre-NYE shots of Metamucil, then you're in luck.

As of January 1, 2011, California's first online impersonation law – SB 1411 – goes into effect, making malicious digital impersonation a misdemeanor that comes with fines up to $1000 and/or up to a year in jail.

Hey, in Texas it's a third-degree felony. But, mystifyingly, that's only for social networking sites.

For a long time, online impersonation was mainly thought of as identity theft, or as something done occasionally by pathetic exes or total dicks, but it happened mostly when your credit got hijacked and you found yourself the proud owner of a $5K phone bill and a receipt for swampland in Florida. This past year saw a sharp spike in a much more personal kind of impersonation: when people abuse the anonymity of the Internet to cyber-harass individuals.

It was only a year ago that a California based Marine posed as his ex-girlfriend on Craigslist and via email to set her up for a brutal rape in her own home. Sentenced to 60 years, the punishment was clear.

Most cases are not this extreme, and they go unpunished. SB 1411 is being hailed by those facing a tsunami of legitimate cyber-harassment cases that come up empty-handed for legal recourse to stop, deter, or create consequences for impersonation attacks.

It's interesting to read the law's take on internet defamation, like when USF told me I had AIDS.

More states are now instituting new laws too...
In New York and California, online impersonation is a misdemeanor punishable by thousands of dollars in fines and up to a year in jail. In Texas, the crime is a third-degree felony that could land perpetrators up to ten years in prison. The Arizona legislature is currently considering a bill almost as severe as Texas’s law. In total at least nine states have an online impersonation law on the books or are currently considering one. Even if the impersonation involves a fake persona, the use of any real names, business or photography could cross the legal threshold.

I guess the days of online forum's living as bastions of libertarian philosophy may soon be ending...
As the politicians in Washington stumble over one another to get in front of the TV cameras to rake the IRS and DOJ over the coals, they should step back and look in the mirror to find the real problem.
The divorce system can be that way, skewed to favor the woman no matter what.
It's pretty fair in most of the USA but the UK system is completely fucked.

Cost me well over a million stirling to divorce my ex, that's excluding legal fees!!
But the UK under B Liar was a Marxist social experimenting shithole!!

I find that hard to believe, you could buy most of Huddersfield for a million quid!!
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