It's no fun for the young in 2021.
Kids today are having a blast. Too bad YOU can't enjoy life!
US national debt quickly approaching $30 trillion
A problem for the federal government and any idiot that buys bonds from them.
Extreme climate events killing crops and livestock
Define 'extreme climate event'.
Oceans are dying with many species in decline
Oceans are full of life, as always.
Markets are in a hyperbubble worse than 2008
Caused by the Fed.
Automation leading to unemployment above 30%
Automation doesn't lead to unemployment. Making up numbers and using them as data is a fallacy, known as an argument from randU fallacy.
Unpredictable weather,
man made toxins polluting the planet,
Such as? Define 'pollution'.
losing the war against the microbes
Such as? Define 'the microbes'.
and nuclear annihilation
are likely part of the mix as well.

Yet to be seen is how aggressively the Empire works to control population when they are masters of the universe....it is highly likely that they will decide that having children requires a permit.

Already there. China has already required such a permit. Are you referring to China as 'the Empire'?
Hows that war on drugs going that Nixon started? Its been a horrible disaster.

Johnson started it. A Democrat. Nixon (a RINO) just formalized it.

Yes, it's been a horrible disaster. Prohibition doesn't work. All it does is create black markets and fund gangs and organized crime.
What will earth become over the next 100 years?

How much longer will the oceans be a source of food?
When will the US break up into different nations?
Can humans survive nuclear war?
Will socialism replace capitalism?
Is a reset inevitable?
Concerning the state of human knowlege...

Over the years, on this forum these have been my top picks for what humanity will discover in the next century:

Physics - Questions to be Answered
1. What is dark energy?
2. What is dark matter?
3. Why is there an arrow of time?
4. Is there a grand unified theory of forces?
5. Are there parallel universes?
6. Why is there more matter than anti-matter?
7. What is the fate of the universe?
8. Why does the quantum wave function collapse?
9. Is string theory correct?
10. Is there order in chaos?

Origin of Life - Questions to be Answered
1) The origin of life may have been a miracle.
2) The origin of life was an event fully consistent with chemistry and physics, but one that was almost infinitely unlikely and required an improbable sequence of numerous steps.
3) The universe is organized in such a way that life is an inevitable consequence of chemistry, given an appropriate environment and sufficient time.

Discovering Tomb of Genghis Khan
Discovering Alexander the Great’s tomb
Deciphering the lost language of the Indus Valley civilization
Concerning the state of human knowlege...

Over the years, on this forum these have been my top picks for what humanity will discover in the next century:

Physics - Questions to be Answered
1. What is dark energy?
2. What is dark matter?
3. Why is there an arrow of time?
4. Is there a grand unified theory of forces?
5. Are there parallel universes?
6. Why is there more matter than anti-matter?
7. What is the fate of the universe?
8. Why does the quantum wave function collapse?
9. Is string theory correct?
10. Is there order in chaos?

Origin of Life - Questions to be Answered
1) The origin of life may have been a miracle.
2) The origin of life was an event fully consistent with chemistry and physics, but one that was almost infinitely unlikely and required an improbable sequence of numerous steps.
3) The universe is organized in such a way that life is an inevitable consequence of chemistry, given an appropriate environment and sufficient time.

Discovering Tomb of Genghis Khan
Discovering Alexander the Great’s tomb
Deciphering the lost language of the Indus Valley civilization
There's plenty of evidence that extreme weather has reached a tipping point that can't be resolved with technology. Crops are dying because of heat and floods. Ranchers out west are selling off their livestock because of drought. Our oceans are being poisoned and over fished.

If Americans don't understand this, how are they supposed to know the difference between general relativity and the standard model? Even Hawking had to admit he was wrong about the theory of everything (TOE), so I have to side with Ludwig Wittgenstein. Math is a metaphor that allows us to pretend we know how the multiverse works.
Society is right on track for a global collapse, new study of infamous 1970s report finds
By Brandon Specktor

In that report — published in the bestselling book "The Limits to Growth" (1972) — a team of MIT scientists argued that industrial civilization was bound to collapse if corporations and governments continued to pursue continuous economic growth, no matter the costs. The researchers forecasted 12 possible scenarios for the future, most of which predicted a point where natural resources would become so scarce that further economic growth would become impossible, and personal welfare would plummet.

The report's most infamous scenario — the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario — predicted that the world's economic growth would peak around the 2040s, then take a sharp downturn, along with the global population, food availability and natural resources. This imminent "collapse" wouldn't be the end of the human race, but rather a societal turning point that would see standards of living drop around the world for decades, the team wrote.

"It's not yet too late for humankind to purposefully change course to significantly alter the trajectory of [the] future," Herrington concluded in her study. "Effectively, humanity can either choose its own limit or at some point reach an imposed limit, at which time a decline in human welfare will have become unavoidable."
