22 Year Old Girl Buys Assault Weapon For N.Y. Murderer


Althea told me...........
On a Sunday in June 2010, William Spengler Jr. accompanied a young woman to a Gander Mountain store in Henrietta and chose a Bushmaster rifle and a Mossberg shotgun for purchase.

Having served time in prison for bludgeoning his grandmother to death with a hammer 30 years earlier, Spengler could not legally buy the guns.
But the woman with him, Dawn Nguyen, who was his next-door neighbor and no more than 22 years old at the time, could. And she did.

On a Sunday in June 2010, William Spengler Jr. accompanied a young woman to a Gander Mountain store in Henrietta and chose a Bushmaster rifle and a Mossberg shotgun for purchase.

Having served time in prison for bludgeoning his grandmother to death with a hammer 30 years earlier, Spengler could not legally buy the guns.
But the woman with him, Dawn Nguyen, who was his next-door neighbor and no more than 22 years old at the time, could. And she did.


Your point? You would ban a Mossberg shotgun now? Stop calling them assault weapons.
Is the penis of a guy with AIDS an assault weapon? It can kill countless people through irresponsible behavior.
so someone who didn't kill anyone and didn't conspire to kill anyone should go to prison for life, but someone who ruined lives by a false gang rape claim should be left alone and keep her privacy?
If someone dies during the commission of a crime, everyone is charged with murder. Even the driver.
so someone who didn't kill anyone and didn't conspire to kill anyone should go to prison for life, but someone who ruined lives by a false gang rape claim should be left alone and keep her privacy?

yeah, she provided weapons to a known felon. Plus, how did you leap to "prison for life"?
so someone who didn't kill anyone and didn't conspire to kill anyone should go to prison for life, but someone who ruined lives by a false gang rape claim should be left alone and keep her privacy?

ac·com·plice (-kmpls) KEY


An associate in wrongdoing, especially one who aids or abets another in a criminal act, either as a principal or an accessory.

and you're ok with this???? that people who have committed no crime should go to prison for life?

Who said she didn't commit a crime?

did she KNOW that he was a felon? and accomplice to murder/double murder usually leads to life in prison.

How did she know he wasn't a felon? Why couldn't she say "Just go buy your own gun!"

I don't know...I've seen some movies with them shooting off like cannons, iykwim.
did she KNOW that he was a felon? and accomplice to murder/double murder usually leads to life in prison.
If you read the article, you'd have known that she was the next door neighbor. She lied when she filled out the documentation required to purchase the guns. That's a felony.

How can you even make comments on something you don't even take the time to research?
If you read the article, you'd have known that she was the next door neighbor. She lied when she filled out the documentation required to purchase the guns. That's a felony.

How can you even make comments on something you don't even take the time to research?

A little common sense and research never got in the way of STY's stupidity.
did she KNOW that he was a felon? and accomplice to murder/double murder usually leads to life in prison.

Even if she didn't know, she provided a gun to someone she should have known was a felon. It's the responsibility to your fellow citizens to make all efforts possible to not sell guns to felons and crazy people. Might not be law, but it's a common sense notion among the people I know on both coasts of this country and the folks in Iowa, where this redneck was born.

I think there is a specific gun trafficing charge she should be tried for and not accomplice, but that's without knowing anything about the relationship the two perps had. It's possible she knew his plans. Anything is possible these days.
It's just my opinion, though.
If you read the article, you'd have known that she was the next door neighbor. She lied when she filled out the documentation required to purchase the guns. That's a felony.

How can you even make comments on something you don't even take the time to research?
so what you're saying is that it's ok to take the media's representation, despite any actual info from the suspect, and produce your own theory when it suits your purpose, but deny all that information and go blindly along with the media when it suits your other purpose? aka zimmerman? hypocrisy, thou do practice it.