25 signs you might be a liberal


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We must thank our distinguished brethern on the left for constantly providing us such a rich, humorous choice of silliness to choose from. My guess is, the reason Hawkins put up 25 different totally-weird characteristics of the leftist moonbats, is because that's all his column would hold and still fit in the allowed space.



25 Reasons You Might Be a Liberal

by John Hawkins
Friday, August 15, 2008

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, you just might be a liberal if...

* You're sure the Constitution explicitly guarantees the right to abortion and gay marriage, but not the right to own a handgun.

* You think Dan Quayle is the dumbest Vice-President we ever had because he believed a flash card that misspelled "potato," but think Obama is a genius despite the fact he believes we have more than 57 states.

* You'd be more upset about your favorite candidate being endorsed by the NRA than the Communist Party.

* You think the same criminals who use guns in the commission of a crime will just hand them over to comply with the law if guns are made illegal.

* You know that 86% of all income taxes are paid by the top 25% of income earners and you still feel that the rich "aren't paying their fair share of the taxes."

* You put a higher priority on oil pipelines possibly inconveniencing a few caribou than you do on lowering the price of gas for everyone in the country by drilling ANWR.

* You're worried that Osama Bin Laden might not get a fair trial if we capture him, but want George Bush thrown in prison for being too zealous in protecting us from Al-Qaeda.

* You get infuriated when you hear about the CEO of a Fortune 500 company making tens of millions of dollars, but don't see a problem with an actor, basketball player, or trial lawyer making the same amount.

* You're constantly seeing subtle, coded racism in campaign ads, but see nothing racist about blacks being promoted over more qualified white applicants because of Affirmative Action.

* You think it's obscene that oil companies are allowed to make 8.3 cents per gallon in profit with gas prices this high, but would never suggest cutting the 13 cents per gallon they pay on taxes to reduce the price of gas.

* You think George Bush is a chickenhawk because he wanted to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan despite the fact that he only served in the National Guard, but you don't think the same about Barack Obama, who has never served in the military and probably couldn't find either country on a map without help.

* You think protesting outside of abortion clinics is extremism and should be illegal, but carrying around giant puppet heads while wearing a t-shirt that compares Bush to Hitler is just exercising your First Amendment rights.

* You think the case for global warming is proven without a shadow of a doubt, but that we need another century or two worth of evidence to figure out if capitalism and free markets work better than socialism.

* You believe the best way to fix the government screwing something up in the market is with...drumroll, please...more government intervention.

* You think the first thing we should have done when Russia invaded Georgia was to take the matter to the United Nations, where Russia sits on the UN Security Council.

* You spend your days criticizing the use of private jets, SUVS, and luxurious houses that consume enormous amounts of resources and then ride in an SUV to the airport, get on your private plane, and fly home to your luxurious house.

* You have more nice things to say about countries like Cuba and France than you do about your own country.

* You think the war in Iraq is unwinnable, but victory in the war on poverty is going to happen any day now if we can just get the Democrats back in charge.

* You won't even support English as our national language, but can't seem to understand why people worry about tens of millions of illegal aliens changing our culture.

* You think censorship is absolutely wrong; except when it's applied to conservatives on college campuses or on talk radio via the fairness doctrine.

* You get more upset about an American soldier accidentally killing a civilian than you do about a terrorist deliberately blowing up a school bus full of kids.

* You think Fox News is hopelessly biased to the right, but MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS call it right down the middle.

* You think the real hero of the Cold War was Mikhail Gorbachev.

* You couldn't care less about what Americans in states like Kansas or Virginia think of you, but you would be greatly upset if a Frenchman gave you a dirty look because you're an American.

* You think kids in public schools should have to watch Earth in the Balance and read Heather Has Two Mommies, but no piece of literature with the word "Jesus" on it should be allowed within a hundred yards of a school.
To be funny it needs have a grain of truth to it.

You think Fox News is hopelessly biased to the right, but MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS call it right down the middle.

* You think the real hero of the Cold War was Mikhail Gorbachev.

These two don't have any grain of truth to it?
We must thank our distinguished brethern on the left for constantly providing us such a rich, humorous choice of silliness to choose from. My guess is, the reason Hawkins put up 25 different totally-weird characteristics of the leftist moonbats, is because that's all his column would hold and still fit in the allowed space.



25 Reasons You Might Be a Liberal

by John Hawkins
Friday, August 15, 2008

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, you just might be a liberal if...

* You're sure the Constitution explicitly guarantees the right to abortion and gay marriage, but not the right to own a handgun. Most liberals do not want to take your guns away

* You think Dan Quayle is the dumbest Vice-President we ever had because he believed a flash card that misspelled "potato," but think Obama is a genius despite the fact he believes we have more than 57 states. Obama does not believe we have 57 states

* You'd be more upset about your favorite candidate being endorsed by the NRA than the Communist Party. Liberals are not communists

* You think the same criminals who use guns in the commission of a crime will just hand them over to comply with the law if guns are made illegal. this is a complete fabrication

* You know that 86% of all income taxes are paid by the top 25% of income earners and you still feel that the rich "aren't paying their fair share of the taxes." This is true

* You put a higher priority on oil pipelines possibly inconveniencing a few caribou than you do on lowering the price of gas for everyone in the country by drilling ANWR. as if this is the only reason why is just a load of crap

* You're worried that Osama Bin Laden might not get a fair trial if we capture him, but want George Bush thrown in prison for being too zealous in protecting us from Al-Qaeda.breaking the constitution has nothing to do with my protection

* You get infuriated when you hear about the CEO of a Fortune 500 company making tens of millions of dollars, but don't see a problem with an actor, basketball player, or trial lawyer making the same amount. We dont care about how much you make, we dont want our politicains bought so that someone can make more

* You're constantly seeing subtle, coded racism in campaign ads, but see nothing racist about blacks being promoted over more qualified white applicants because of Affirmative Action. Sick how this assumes that a black candidtate has to be less qualified

* You think it's obscene that oil companies are allowed to make 8.3 cents per gallon in profit with gas prices this high, but would never suggest cutting the 13 cents per gallon they pay on taxes to reduce the price of gas. Its not that they make a profit its that they do it by buying our representaives

* You think George Bush is a chickenhawk because he wanted to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan despite the fact that he only served in the National Guard, but you don't think the same about Barack Obama, who has never served in the military and probably couldn't find either country on a map without help. Do you really believe Obama is uneducated?

* You think protesting outside of abortion clinics is extremism and should be illegal, but carrying around giant puppet heads while wearing a t-shirt that compares Bush to Hitler is just exercising your First Amendment rights. killing Drs is not protesting, niether is harrassing patients

* You think the case for global warming is proven without a shadow of a doubt, but that we need another century or two worth of evidence to figure out if capitalism and free markets work better than socialism. I have never met a liberal who thought socialism is better than democracy

* You believe the best way to fix the government screwing something up in the market is with...drumroll, please...more government intervention.When deregulation causes our economy to fail (like our current situation) then reregulating is the answer you fool

* You think the first thing we should have done when Russia invaded Georgia was to take the matter to the United Nations, where Russia sits on the UN Security Council. and your first thought was to attack untill you realized Bush left us no way to respond.

* You spend your days criticizing the use of private jets, SUVS, and luxurious houses that consume enormous amounts of resources and then ride in an SUV to the airport, get on your private plane, and fly home to your luxurious house. Are you talking abut McCain?

* You have more nice things to say about countries like Cuba and France than you do about your own country. what fa load of utter shit

* You think the war in Iraq is unwinnable, but victory in the war on poverty is going to happen any day now if we can just get the Democrats back in charge. What war its an occupation and there is no winning an occupation

* You won't even support English as our national language, but can't seem to understand why people worry about tens of millions of illegal aliens changing our culture. America is a melting pot and always has been just ask your great grandparents you fool.

* You think censorship is absolutely wrong; except when it's applied to conservatives on college campuses or on talk radio via the fairness doctrine.The fairness docterine would applied to everyone not just you and your Rush.

* You get more upset about an American soldier accidentally killing a civilian than you do about a terrorist deliberately blowing up a school bus full of kids.Again just a pack of lies

* You think Fox News is hopelessly biased to the right, but MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS call it right down the middle. I have never said they were right down the middle

* You think the real hero of the Cold War was Mikhail Gorbachev. As does anyone who knows the facts

* You couldn't care less about what Americans in states like Kansas or Virginia think of you, but you would be greatly upset if a Frenchman gave you a dirty look because you're an American. more utter bullshit

* You think kids in public schools should have to watch Earth in the Balance and read Heather Has Two Mommies, but no piece of literature with the word "Jesus" on it should be allowed within a hundred yards of a school.
Yet more lies
I have never met a liberal who thought socialism is better than democracy

Comapring socialism to democracy is like comparing apples to grapefruits.
I have to say, when I clicked on this thread, Ihad a pretty open mind. I can laugh at myself. But this was not funny.
There are not many funny conservatives, and Little-Acorn is the least funny in this regard. He wasn't even really trying to be funny, these could come straight off of a Republican commercial. How could Damo laugh at this? I have no idea. Androids think different.
Partisan but pretty funny.

* You think the case for global warming is proven without a shadow of a doubt, but that we need another century or two worth of evidence to figure out if capitalism and free markets work better than socialism.

* You believe the best way to fix the government screwing something up in the market is with...drumroll, please...more government intervention.
Laughing at yourself and your beliefs is crucial. If you can't find anything funny in the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the various ideologies, you are a robot.

Like I've said before, one of the funniest things I've ever seen is the Onion's analysis of Ron Paul's candidacy. It said:

Most Vulnerable Weakness: People May Decide they Like Roads.

Cracked me up.
Laughing at yourself and your beliefs is crucial. If you can't find anything funny in the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the various ideologies, you are a robot.

Like I've said before, one of the funniest things I've ever seen is the Onion's analysis of Ron Paul's candidacy. It said:

Most Vulnerable Weakness: People May Decide they Like Roads.

Cracked me up.


This cracked me up:


Odds Of Pop-Locking During Inauguration:
1 in 12

Affair To Threaten Whatever It Is John Edwards Does For A Living

WASHINGTON—News of his extramarital affair with a former campaign worker could put John Edwards at serious risk of losing the position or appointment he currently holds, or may be planning to hold, or to contend for, if he hasn't lost it already, sources reported Tuesday.

"This will be a major blow to the retired-lawyer-former-senator- slash-presidential-candidate-and-nonprofit-foundation-founder's chances of being named attorney general or appointed to another cabinet position, assuming Obama gets elected in November and chooses Edwards over someone who has been directly involved in politics during the past four years," Georgetown University political science professor Samuel DeCanio said. "I don't know if he'll ever be able to recover and return to…the work…volunteering…job he was doing before this."

It now seems unlikely that Edwards will reclaim his old Senate seat in January, if that is even possible, and a number of critics have called for his resignation from the honorary university post he likely holds if he is not already chairman of a national committee of some kind. A growing number have even claimed he should retire altogether from either public or private life.

"John Edwards needs to step down from or refuse to accept the position immediately," Republican National Committee deputy chairman Frank Donatelli said. "He's in a lot of trouble if he still needs to be elected to something."

Added Donatelli, "I just hope our tax dollars aren't going to him somehow."

At press time, it was unclear whether Edwards could be impeached, or whether he would have legal grounds to sue someone if he were.