Many that support the war will tell you that 4,000 is not alot of dead and they are right in the scheme of things. But I would remind everyone that the bulk of these deaths came after "our" president stood on an aircraft carrier with a sign that proclaimed Mission Accomplished. And they are still dying 5 years later and will be dying 5 years from now if we are still there. They lay down their lives because that is what they signed up for. It was the first thing on the list in the job discription. The sad thing is, when we signed up for that duty we had a hope, an expectation, that the men in charge would not haphazardly place us in harms way. That the enemy we would fight would present a real clear and present danger to the United States and the people of the United States. That was clearly not the case here. Men and women that took my place in that uniform have been placed in harms way based on intelligence that was old. The supporters always want to tell us how Clinton and his administration thought it was so. THe only time Bush supporters turn to Clinton to justify this ill conceived, and for the most part poorly carried out war. We have allowed the Taliban to take control of large portions of Afghanistan again though not Kabul so that must be a victory. The Bush administration points to the fact that there have been no terrorist attacks on US soil so the war must be a success, but there have been attacks on allies, the so called coalition of the willing. That success can be so frail is apalling. Because what it means is that if, or when the next attack occurs on American soil the WHOLE thing becomes a failure. Which also does not make that true. The truth is, our intellilgence services have become more dilligent and rely less on sigint and more on Human Intel. The Brits have foiled plots in GB, not because we went to Iraq but because their intelligence services stopped those plots.

I hope that all of you stop for a moment sometime in the next few days and think about the 4,000 that have died and the tens of thousands that have suffered wounds in this conflict. Remember that we not only owe them our freedom, but we owe them a debt of gratitude for the sacrifices in life, limb and family that they have made. If you know a vet invite him or her over for dinner this week, if they are older, mow their lawn or go to the store for them. Show them that we remember the sacrifices they made as well as the sacrifices made by their buddies that did not come home.
It's been two months and I haven't even gotten close to killing anybody or getting fired.

I took it for about three weeks before stopping. Smoking tasted terrible and you never get that buzz in the morning.

Sweet I'm getting ready to go on it in a couple of weeks.

I've smoked a pack and a half a day since I was in ninth grade so if it will work for me it should work for anyone.

Fucking sick of being a nicotine-slave.
LOL. No, I do not support any candidate that does not promise to never go to war without formal declaration, promises real border reform not just walk-ins are welcome, and supports a Balanced Budget Amendment. He's got two of three. One is missing.

A balanced budget will not be possible for a few years....
Unless you do the bush trick and do a lot of supplemental spending ;)
yah its depressing considering that oil has only gone up in cost. iran is stronger. middle east still in turmoil.. and we are in deficit.

what is the positives of this war?
Sweet I'm getting ready to go on it in a couple of weeks.

I've smoked a pack and a half a day since I was in ninth grade so if it will work for me it should work for anyone.

Fucking sick of being a nicotine-slave.
Hell yes... It was so worth it.
Supporting staying in Iraq and supporting a balanced budget is a bit delusional I think.

Not if you're John McCain. You can support staying in Iraq, more tax cuts and a balanced budget all at the same time and have people still take you seriously on all three issues!
It's been two months and I haven't even gotten close to killing anybody or getting fired.

I took it for about three weeks before stopping. Smoking tasted terrible and you never get that buzz in the morning.

Ay you've been a cranky sob around here. I can tell.
Supporting staying in Iraq and supporting a balanced budget is a bit delusional I think.

As long as the socialists don't force health care on us, we can afford it! We can afford everything but health care. And we can afford the bombing of Iran, which if you have been watching Cheney this week you know is coming (when cheney goes to the middle east to talk peace? not a good sign). A balanced budget and eternal war!

Vote McCain in 08 - McMore of the same. Four more wars! And he'll stop the commies from forcing you to have health care!
Now I do like that Dung John W McWorse!

In November a vote for John is not a vote for the same old policy it is a vote for McWorse.

"Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime."

70 percent of soldiers eligible to re-enlist in 2006 did so — a re-enlistment rate higher than before Sept. 11, 2001. For the past 10 years, the enlisted retention rates of the Army have exceeded 100 percent. As of last Nov. 13, Army re-enlistment was 137 percent of its stated goal.


May God welcome the fallen home, and may we honor their sacrifice with victory.