41% Support Health Care Legislation, 53% Oppose


Staff member

Monday, November 30, 2009

The U.S. Senate is now formally beginning debate on a plan to reform health care in America, but most voters remain opposed to the plan working its way through Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. Fifty-three percent (53%) are opposed to it. Those figures include 22% who Strongly Favor the plan and 40% who are Strongly Opposed.

Support for the legislation is up three percentage points from a week ago. However, last week’s results were the lowest level of support ever recorded for the plan. With the exception of a few days following nationally televised presidential appeals for the legislation, the number of voters opposed to the plan has always exceeded the number who favor it.

While advocates say the plan is needed to control the cost of health care, 56% of voters now say it will have the opposite impact and push prices even higher. Just 17% believe passage of the plan will lead to lower costs.

More at link...

Monday, November 30, 2009

The U.S. Senate is now formally beginning debate on a plan to reform health care in America, but most voters remain opposed to the plan working its way through Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. Fifty-three percent (53%) are opposed to it. Those figures include 22% who Strongly Favor the plan and 40% who are Strongly Opposed.

Support for the legislation is up three percentage points from a week ago. However, last week’s results were the lowest level of support ever recorded for the plan. With the exception of a few days following nationally televised presidential appeals for the legislation, the number of voters opposed to the plan has always exceeded the number who favor it.

While advocates say the plan is needed to control the cost of health care, 56% of voters now say it will have the opposite impact and push prices even higher. Just 17% believe passage of the plan will lead to lower costs.

More at link...

That last figure is the most revealing. It shows that 83 percent of the country doesn't understand what's in the bill or what it will do, and therefore their opinions about it can be safely disregarded.

The CBO today released their analysis of the bill in the senate which revealed that it will in fact lower premiums/costs significantly for families.
That last figure is the most revealing. It shows that 83 percent of the country doesn't understand what's in the bill or what it will do, and therefore their opinions about it can be safely disregarded.

The CBO today released their analysis of the bill in the senate which revealed that it will in fact lower premiums/costs significantly for families.
Safely disregarded by whom? If they pass what is unsupported regardless of the reason it is unsupported it will go badly for the party in power.
That last figure is the most revealing. It shows that 83 percent of the country doesn't understand what's in the bill or what it will do, and therefore their opinions about it can be safely disregarded.

The CBO today released their analysis of the bill in the senate which revealed that it will in fact lower premiums/costs significantly for families.

That is NOT what the CBO report stated.

It stated that for families that have individual plans (which the vast majority do not) the premiums would go down IF the government provided big subsidies.

The CBO report stated there would not be much change in premiums for employer based plans.
Safely disregarded by whom? If they pass what is unsupported regardless of the reason it is unsupported it will go badly for the party in power.

No, you don't get it....

what ib1 is saying is that if the politicians can make their bills so confusing that the majority of the people don't understand the bill, then they can pass whatever they want.

Get with the program man.
Safely disregarded by whom? If they pass what is unsupported regardless of the reason it is unsupported it will go badly for the party in power.

No it wont. The idiots believe it will mean death panels, rising premiums for them, etc, etc. When none of that happens, they'll be very happy they have insurance.
No, you don't get it....

what ib1 is saying is that if the politicians can make their bills so confusing that the majority of the people don't understand the bill, then they can pass whatever they want.

Get with the program man.

Retard, it's not the bill that's confusing. It's the fact that you guys are listening to a news network that feeds you lies about what's in it.
lol, it's because we are listening to a news network that feeds us lies...and of course we all be too stupid to figure out if it lies or truth...

and what is that news network that is feeding us lies? the Democrat party and the Hugo Obama whitehouse news network..
No it wont. The idiots believe it will mean death panels, rising premiums for them, etc, etc. When none of that happens, they'll be very happy they have insurance.
Sticker shock alone for those who have employment insurance will make a huge difference, of course that's in 5 years when it kicks in. What they'll see is that nothing changed after passing the legislation and when the changes come they'll be perceived as bad.

The reality is the vast majority have no idea what they pay in premiums, and when it has to come out of pocket because the employer isn't covering them anymore it will definitely cause a negative reaction.

People who have insurance like mine will be especially negatively effected, they'll pay "more" for far less and are unlikely to be given a raise because the employer doesn't pay the premium for them any longer.
Sticker shock alone for those who have employment insurance will make a huge difference, of course that's in 5 years when it kicks in. What they'll see is that nothing changed after passing the legislation and when the changes come they'll be perceived as bad.

The reality is the vast majority have no idea what they pay in premiums, and when it has to come out of pocket because the employer isn't covering them anymore it will definitely cause a negative reaction.

People who have insurance like mine will be especially negatively effected, they'll pay "more" for far less and are unlikely to be given a raise because the employer doesn't pay the premium for them any longer.

Why won't employers cover them and why would you be paying more for your insurance?
Bravo! I'm glad someone is telling the truth about this.

Sticker shock alone for those who have employment insurance will make a huge difference, of course that's in 5 years when it kicks in. What they'll see is that nothing changed after passing the legislation and when the changes come they'll be perceived as bad.

The reality is the vast majority have no idea what they pay in premiums, and when it has to come out of pocket because the employer isn't covering them anymore it will definitely cause a negative reaction.

People who have insurance like mine will be especially negatively effected, they'll pay "more" for far less and are unlikely to be given a raise because the employer doesn't pay the premium for them any longer.
That last figure is the most revealing. It shows that 83 percent of the country doesn't understand what's in the bill or what it will do, and therefore their opinions about it can be safely disregarded.

The CBO today released their analysis of the bill in the senate which revealed that it will in fact lower premiums/costs significantly for families.

I'd be curious to know how many of the politicians voting on the bill know what's in all 2,000 pages of it. My guess is not all of them so I'm not sure how someone who works 10-12 hours a day, has a family and a life is suppose to understand all of the bill let alone its intricacies.
Why won't employers cover them and why would you be paying more for your insurance?
If my employer doesn't cover me any longer (the minimal fee for not covering employees incentivizes them to drop coverage) then I will pay my own premiums, a hidden cost will suddenly be coming out of pocket. I will "pay more" and the coverage that you get from the exchange sucks huge raisiney prison inmate nuts.

It isn't hard to figure out, young padawan. This "plan" makes everything worse for me, in every way. My coverage will suck more, it incentivizes employers to drop coverage, it assumes that when employers do they will give you the difference in pay (they won't), and when it is all said and done I will personally pay more for less health care than I ever have, and I could go to jail if I don't buy it. It's a bad deal all the way, either I'm forced to suck their huge raisiney prison inmate nuts or they'll happily provide a more tangible set for me to suck on.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The U.S. Senate is now formally beginning debate on a plan to reform health care in America, but most voters remain opposed to the plan working its way through Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. Fifty-three percent (53%) are opposed to it. Those figures include 22% who Strongly Favor the plan and 40% who are Strongly Opposed.

Support for the legislation is up three percentage points from a week ago. However, last week’s results were the lowest level of support ever recorded for the plan. With the exception of a few days following nationally televised presidential appeals for the legislation, the number of voters opposed to the plan has always exceeded the number who favor it.

While advocates say the plan is needed to control the cost of health care, 56% of voters now say it will have the opposite impact and push prices even higher. Just 17% believe passage of the plan will lead to lower costs.

More at link...

Hmmm this poll shows that 72% favor health care reform


This one shows 57 to 62% support health care reform


This poll shows that opposition is split fairly even 46% in favor and 49% opposed but it also shows that of the 49% opposed 10% of those whom oppose Health Care reform believe that the reform is not liberal enough and that 39% oppose because it is to liberal or for other reasons.


It also shows that Democrats have nearly a 10% advantage over Republicans going into the 2010 election cycle.
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Hmmm this poll shows that 72% favor health care reform


This one shows 57 to 62% support health care reform


This poll shows that opposition is split fairly even 46% in favor and 49% opposed but it also shows that of the 49% opposed 10% of those whom oppose Health Care reform believe that the reform is not liberal enough and that 39% oppose because it is to liberal or for other reasons.


It also shows that Democrats have nearly a 10% advantage over Republicans going into the 2010 election cycle.

But if you don't "trust" Rasmussen then here's one from Gallup showing much the same result. The difference is in using the whole result not just the two points that people support.


For a scientist you sure don't show a capacity to understand the difference between data massaged and data that clearly shows an opposite indication from the result you expected.