41% Support Health Care Legislation, 53% Oppose


But if you don't "trust" Rasmussen then here's one from Gallup showing much the same result. The difference is in using the whole result not just the two points that people support.


For a scientist you sure don't show a capacity to understand the difference between data massaged and data that clearly shows an opposite indication from the result you expected.
Un huh and it appears you're not picking up on variance or bias. The fact that some people oppose Health Care reform is not the whole story. For example, a substantial number don't approve of it because it's not liberal enough (third poll) and the second poll shows how when a public option for the poor is made available the approval rates for health care reform increases significantly. There are many people, for example, who oppose health care reform because it doesn't adequatly include a public option.
and there are many that know we are getting screwed agian by the elitist rich.
Doctors make $250,000 net annually, no cut for them but my 20something healthy kids are going to be mandated to buy these tools products.
Un huh and it appears you're not picking up on variance or bias. The fact that some people oppose Health Care reform is not the whole story. For example, a substantial number don't approve of it because it's not liberal enough (third poll) and the second poll shows how when a public option for the poor is made available the approval rates for health care reform increases significantly. There are many people, for example, who oppose health care reform because it doesn't adequatly include a public option.
Again, the difference is in taking the result rather than just the pieces you want to see. It doesn't matter why they would tell their Senator not to vote for it, it matters whether it is accurate. Gallup and Rasmussen came up with the same statistical result when taking on the whole picture rather than the one or two points that support your already supposed "result".

I'm embarrassed for a scientist that takes skewed results from 2 points of a much larger poll and says it is the same as the result when it is so clearly (as presented by opinions) the result they want. The statistical results are valid, even if there are varying reasons why they would tell their Senator not to vote for the legislation.

You are picking and choosing in an attempt to support a result you want.

Seriously. "When you change the variables to make it more like something it isn't, then people support it!" Doesn't make that portion of the poll the result... If I changed it to "Would you eat more Big Macs if they weren't so heavy in calories?" then say we found that "80% of the population says they want to eat more Big Macs!" I'd be pretty much saying what you are right now.
Retard, it's not the bill that's confusing. It's the fact that you guys are listening to a news network that feeds you lies about what's in it.

1) I don't watch news on TV, nor do I listen to it on the radio.

2) YOU are the one that stated the poll could be dismissed purely on the fact that you found a poll stating no one understood what was in the bill. THAT by itself is reason to reject the bill. If no one understands it (and I truly doubt any of the politicians do either) then it should not be passed.
Conyers said it best.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t32ckkdlcao&NR=1"]YouTube- Why would I read health care bill John Conyers[/ame]

1) I don't watch news on TV, nor do I listen to it on the radio.

2) YOU are the one that stated the poll could be dismissed purely on the fact that you found a poll stating no one understood what was in the bill. THAT by itself is reason to reject the bill. If no one understands it (and I truly doubt any of the politicians do either) then it should not be passed.
1) I don't watch news on TV, nor do I listen to it on the radio.

2) YOU are the one that stated the poll could be dismissed purely on the fact that you found a poll stating no one understood what was in the bill. THAT by itself is reason to reject the bill. If no one understands it (and I truly doubt any of the politicians do either) then it should not be passed.

The politicians understand it. It's retarded to suggest otherwise.
oh yeah man, the politicians understand it cause they must definitely be waaaay smarter than just us common people...good gawd..
with this administration they haven't hardly had time to read the damn bills before they want to ram them through, but of course that is their plan..
Retard, it's not the bill that's confusing. It's the fact that you guys are listening to a news network that feeds you lies about what's in it.

Exactly. Unless US lawmakers are more incompetent than those in every industrialized country (and some not-so-industrialized countries) that have reformed their health care system there's little to worry about.

Once the people actually live the changes it will be full speed ahead.
Exactly. Unless US lawmakers are more incompetent than those in every industrialized country (and some not-so-industrialized countries) that have reformed their health care system there's little to worry about.

Once the people actually live the changes it will be full speed ahead.

well we're not like other countries and the politicians here aren't DICTATORS (well except the Democrats seem to believe they are).. the people have a say here and the polls are showing the people don't want this hostile takeover of of our health care by this administration..so let them pass this if they want to see their political "careers" come to an end.
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Again, the difference is in taking the result rather than just the pieces you want to see. It doesn't matter why they would tell their Senator not to vote for it, it matters whether it is accurate. Gallup and Rasmussen came up with the same statistical result when taking on the whole picture rather than the one or two points that support your already supposed "result".

I'm embarrassed for a scientist that takes skewed results from 2 points of a much larger poll and says it is the same as the result when it is so clearly (as presented by opinions) the result they want. The statistical results are valid, even if there are varying reasons why they would tell their Senator not to vote for the legislation.

You are picking and choosing in an attempt to support a result you want.

Seriously. "When you change the variables to make it more like something it isn't, then people support it!" Doesn't make that portion of the poll the result... If I changed it to "Would you eat more Big Macs if they weren't so heavy in calories?" then say we found that "80% of the population says they want to eat more Big Macs!" I'd be pretty much saying what you are right now.


Hoopy got his fanny spanked right properly!

Now sit back and watch. The Brits are going to get all excited!
well we're not like other countries and the politicians here aren't DICTATORS (well except the Democrats seem to believe they are).. the people have a say here and the polls are showing the people don't want this hostile takeover of of our health care by this administration..so let them pass this if they want to see their political "careers" come to an end.

The people are against it because of all the lies.

There is no political movement to dismantle government run medical in any country that has it. Not one single country I can think of. Can you think of any country where a political party was/is campaigning on dismantling government run medical?

Where has logic and common sense gone? There is not one country that has scrapped government medical and there is not one country where a political party is campaigning on that.

What else needs to be said?

Do you feel the US is the only country that can't figure out how to run government medical?
The people are against it because of all the lies.

There is no political movement to dismantle government run medical in any country that has it. Not one single country I can think of. Can you think of any country where a political party was/is campaigning on dismantling government run medical?

Where has logic and common sense gone? There is not one country that has scrapped government medical and there is not one country where a political party is campaigning on that.

What else needs to be said?

Do you feel the US is the only country that can't figure out how to run government medical?

That's not the case apple. Most people in the U.S. are happy with their health care service. The issue is the escalating cost and this reform being offered doesn't really address it.

You and others have claimed the reason people don't support this reform is because of lies. It's more people see what the reform is suppose to be and don't like it and don't want it. You (those who support this reform like Obama and Congress) have failed to sell the American people on why there proposal is so good.

This idea that people should just sit back and be told what's good for them because certain politicians know best doesn't cut it. That's the beauty (or downside depending on who you ask) of America.
The people are against it because of all the lies.

There is no political movement to dismantle government run medical in any country that has it. Not one single country I can think of. Can you think of any country where a political party was/is campaigning on dismantling government run medical?

Where has logic and common sense gone? There is not one country that has scrapped government medical and there is not one country where a political party is campaigning on that.

What else needs to be said?

Do you feel the US is the only country that can't figure out how to run government medical?

you can call it lies all you want the people have found out what this takeover of our health care by this administration means...our health care and our lives becomes a slave to the GOVERMENT..they don't want it, plain and simple..I don't care about what OTHER countries do..
That's not the case apple. Most people in the U.S. are happy with their health care service. The issue is the escalating cost and this reform being offered doesn't really address it.

You and others have claimed the reason people don't support this reform is because of lies. It's more people see what the reform is suppose to be and don't like it and don't want it. You (those who support this reform like Obama and Congress) have failed to sell the American people on why there proposal is so good.

This idea that people should just sit back and be told what's good for them because certain politicians know best doesn't cut it. That's the beauty (or downside depending on who you ask) of America.

There are a few things to consider regarding Obama's plan. The first is any step towards government medical has been fought ruthlessly. The chance of a complete overhaul of the current medical system is impossible. Various US governments have tried for over half a century.

The second thing to consider is Australia, Canada, France, The UK and other countries with government medical spend half the amount, per capita, than the US. Virtually every country with a medical plan spends less. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0934556.html

The third thing to consider is the distortions and outright lies about how universal medical works.

Statistics show that universal medical addresses costs. Research shows there isn't one country that implemented universal medical then switched back nor does any country have a political movement advocating doing so. The only logical conclusion one can draw is government run medical is preferred by the majority of citizens in every country that has such a plan.

Two things have to occur. Coverage for everyone and lower costs. Once people see the benefits of universal coverage (at least more people being covered) they will push for lower costs over the objection of the greedy.

Lowering the cost will be the more difficult objective because it's necessary for the people to be behind it. After all, no one is going to say they are against everyone having medical coverage so that's where Obama has to start. Once the people experience some degree of universal coverage they will demand more. In other words they will demand the government do something to lower costs and provide more coverage to the point where true universal coverage will be a reality as it is in every other industrialized country.

Stated another way the option of some people not being covered will be taken off the table. Once the threat/worry regarding access to medical care is removed from the average person's life it will no longer be negotiable.

The opponents, by their demands, have resulted in the current bill. The more they can twist the bill into some nightmare the more the people will resist it. That is their objective.

One has to see Obama's plan as a step towards universal medical. When a full universal plan is implemented everyone will see their medical costs go down just as every citizen in every country with a universal plan enjoys lower costs. As people see the benefits of government intervention, be it changing jobs and the ease of keeping/switching insurance coverage to insurance companies not being permitted to refuse coverage to those with "prior conditions", there will be a movement to straightforward universal coverage.

The people who make money off the pain and suffering of others know their days are numbered. Regardless of where they look they know that once a country heads towards universal coverage there's no turning back.

Support for the bill must be seen as a step and not the final result in medical reform.