45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years | Children's Health Defense


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Had to cut the title of the article I reference short, was too long for a thread title. Below is the complete title, along with the introduction to the article. Hopefully good for a bit of discussion...

April 14, 2023

45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show

The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups.

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

“Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups,” said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

Eliana Romero, Ph.D., director of clinical research at the Neurodiversity Foundation, Shawn Fry, founder and chief science officer of the Neurodiversity Foundation and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., chief scientific officer of Children’s Health Defense and associate professor of biology at Simpson University in Redding, California, authored the paper.

The researchers looked at adverse events specifically related to cardiovascular and fertility health — such as myocarditis and menstrual abnormalities — that went overlooked during the “expedited safety analyses” that took place in the “accelerated approval process that allowed the manufacturers to fast-track their products,” they said.

They analyzed data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database — the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., which has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events — and the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the medical events database for all active and reserve U.S. military.

The authors also examined data from other regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems including the V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker, the U.K.’s Yellow Card reporting system, Public Health Scotland, the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Natural Cycles App.


Full article:
45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show | Children's Health Defense
The countries that took the most death jabs both get COVID more often and have generally large unexplained all cause death all the way up to today that those who did not do a lot of jabbing dont have.

That's interesting.
Had to cut the title of the article I reference short, was too long for a thread title. Below is the complete title, along with the introduction to the article. Hopefully good for a bit of discussion...

April 14, 2023

45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show

The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups.

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

“Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups,” said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

Eliana Romero, Ph.D., director of clinical research at the Neurodiversity Foundation, Shawn Fry, founder and chief science officer of the Neurodiversity Foundation and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., chief scientific officer of Children’s Health Defense and associate professor of biology at Simpson University in Redding, California, authored the paper.

The researchers looked at adverse events specifically related to cardiovascular and fertility health — such as myocarditis and menstrual abnormalities — that went overlooked during the “expedited safety analyses” that took place in the “accelerated approval process that allowed the manufacturers to fast-track their products,” they said.

They analyzed data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database — the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., which has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events — and the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the medical events database for all active and reserve U.S. military.

The authors also examined data from other regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems including the V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker, the U.K.’s Yellow Card reporting system, Public Health Scotland, the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Natural Cycles App.


Full article:
45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show | Children's Health Defense

What the left did to America and Americans in the name of "science" related to covid is pure evil.
I agree in regards to the general public but doctors and supposed scientists too?

A good deal of them, I think so. I think it's hard to know who really believed the covid narrative and who didn't. But I do think that more people are finally waking up now. Anyway, I tend to just follow the people who woke up during Covid, doctors or otherwise.
A good deal of them, I think so. I think it's hard to know who really believed the covid narrative and who didn't. But I do think that more people are finally waking up now. Anyway, I tend to just follow the people who woke up during Covid, doctors or otherwise.

Good points
Yep. Fear will do that to people.

Fear was created and weaponized against us....Fauci told Atlas directly that there needed to be more fear of COVID, and he and the goons he controls by controlling billions of dollars of government science money manufactured that fear.

Bret was concerned at the jump that the jabs might cause cancer, and that we would not know for awhile. However I have been hearing whispers for over a year that they actually do. The first wave was of people who got jabbed while in remission who had their cancers rip immediately after getting jabbed.
Had to cut the title of the article I reference short, was too long for a thread title. Below is the complete title, along with the introduction to the article. Hopefully good for a bit of discussion...

April 14, 2023

45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show

The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups.

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

“Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups,” said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

Eliana Romero, Ph.D., director of clinical research at the Neurodiversity Foundation, Shawn Fry, founder and chief science officer of the Neurodiversity Foundation and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., chief scientific officer of Children’s Health Defense and associate professor of biology at Simpson University in Redding, California, authored the paper.

The researchers looked at adverse events specifically related to cardiovascular and fertility health — such as myocarditis and menstrual abnormalities — that went overlooked during the “expedited safety analyses” that took place in the “accelerated approval process that allowed the manufacturers to fast-track their products,” they said.

They analyzed data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database — the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., which has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events — and the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the medical events database for all active and reserve U.S. military.

The authors also examined data from other regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems including the V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker, the U.K.’s Yellow Card reporting system, Public Health Scotland, the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Natural Cycles App.


Full article:
45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show | Children's Health Defense

Ah, Covid has been around three years now, the flu, a Century, called learning as you move forward, there was no Delta or such variant with the flu

And you just made an argument for the shutdown, vaccines led to opening up, and opening up led to many more casualties, imagine the number if the vaccines never came along
I see nothing in your post, but when I reply to it, I get the twitter link (but only in edit mode). Looks good.

I think you have mentioned this glitch before. I have no idea what it is about, I ignorant on such matters. When I have a problem I give my computer to my wife and she fixes it. That just happened today in fact.

I do make extensive use of Twitter, I get a huge portion of my news from Twitter, though I have never tweeted.
Elon said on Tucker that he gets most of his news on Twitter....multiple people I think very highly of have said same.
Ah, Covid has been around three years now, the flu, a Century, called learning as you move forward, there was no Delta or such variant with the flu

And you just made an argument for the shutdown, vaccines led to opening up, and opening up led to many more casualties, imagine the number if the vaccines never came along

A group of doctors no longer believe the alleged Cov 2 virus exists at all. I've been arguing their case for months now in the following thread:

Settling the Biological Virus Debate | justplainpolitics.com
Yep. Maybe it's related to the forum software and the fact that I have a mac. But that's just a guess.

I know that when I post a tweet I need to refresh the page to see it, but I never have any problem seeing tweets others post, so I am clueless. I have asked what's up, but i dont recall getting an answer that makes sense.
Had to cut the title of the article I reference short, was too long for a thread title. Below is the complete title, along with the introduction to the article. Hopefully good for a bit of discussion...

April 14, 2023

45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show

The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups.

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

“Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups,” said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

Eliana Romero, Ph.D., director of clinical research at the Neurodiversity Foundation, Shawn Fry, founder and chief science officer of the Neurodiversity Foundation and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., chief scientific officer of Children’s Health Defense and associate professor of biology at Simpson University in Redding, California, authored the paper.

The researchers looked at adverse events specifically related to cardiovascular and fertility health — such as myocarditis and menstrual abnormalities — that went overlooked during the “expedited safety analyses” that took place in the “accelerated approval process that allowed the manufacturers to fast-track their products,” they said.

They analyzed data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database — the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., which has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events — and the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the medical events database for all active and reserve U.S. military.

The authors also examined data from other regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems including the V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker, the U.K.’s Yellow Card reporting system, Public Health Scotland, the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Natural Cycles App.


Full article:
45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show | Children's Health Defense
