49 days to go, any predictions?

Here are a few facts.

About one out of every three people registered to vote, are TRUMP-Cultists, and are planning on voting for Trump. These are the same old Republitards that would vote for Trump- even if he came out on a debate stage, pulled down his pants, and took a big stinky shit on an AMERICAN FLAG on stage for all to see! They have no shame, they have no conscience, they have no morals, they do not believe in Democracy- because it does not work for them, they do not believe in the truth or reality- and they live in a false reality that TRUMP is the GOD ALMIGHTY Savior- Saving them from people that do not look like them.

And then you have the other 2/3rds of registered voters that are made up of legacy Republicans and Democrats that care about their party, and despise Donald Trump for what he has done to the reputation of their party, who still have morals, believe in Democracy, have a conscience, and will never vote for Donald Trump. And then there are the registered Democrats that already out number the TRUMP cultists.

Modern U.S. politics has largely been viewed through the lens of a two-party power structure: Democrats and Republicans. However, this may be changing. Increasingly, the media, pollsters, pundits and campaigns themselves are focusing on INDEPENDENT VOTERS, saying they will be crucial to the outcome of the election.

But even among political experts, there remains a good deal of disagreement on how many of these voters are out there. It’s possible that some voters identify as independent but really just have weaker political preferences than party die-hards, while still maintaining some loyalty to one party or the other. And some independent voters change their political identification from one cycle to another. That makes it hard to tell who an independent voter is and how many of them actually exist.

But, I believe there are only about 10 million people who have registered to vote, that hate, and I do mean hate, both Republicans and Democrats and are the actual undecides and independents. But, they hate everybody. And they trust no one. These people come from every skin color and ethnic group, and these are people that also hate everybody that does not look like them. These are people who are totally noncommittal to anything and everything. These people are centered around their own little worlds, and does not even care what goes on outside their little safe havens of isolation. These people are generally single and are not even committed to a friendship or relationship with anyone. These people are generally racists. These are people that blame others for everything that has gone wrong in their worlds and personal lives. It's always someone else fault for everything, but never themselves. But these people use their vote for some selfish or petty personal choice, that runs the gamut from one end of the spectrum of self-interest to the other end of the spectrum of petty wants and desires. These are people who live life strictly for themselves and have not one consideration for anyone other than themselves. They would not lift a finger to help anyone, and they certainly would not give one red cent to any charity or cause. THESE PEOPLE ARE WHO WE REFER TO AS INDEPENDENTS. We also refer to this unique group of people as UNDECIDEDS. These people are the ones skewing the polls, and making the polls indicate the race as a much closer race than it actually is!

The good news- The Pledged Democrats are a coalition that are far superior in numbers than the TRUMPTARDED CULTISTS even if you add to their total EVERY DEADBEAT SO-CALLED UNDECIDED AND INDEPENDENT TOGETHER.

And if you add to the Pledged Democrat numbers, the Legacy Republicans that are planning on voting Democrat for the fist time in their lives to end the TRUMP ERA once and for all, it becomes the VOCAL, VOTING, and MORAL MAJORITY coalition that will be voting on election day for KAMALA HARRIS in record numbers.

The outcome will be a surprising lop-sided win, as Kamala Harris will win by a record margin not seen in an American Presidential race in the last 30 years, with a record number of voters participating in any election in American History on both sides of the aisle!

That is my prediction.
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Before voting machines, they started counting the vote the next day. That means it was impossible to know the results before bed on the day of the vote. Before computers, you needed all the results to know the results. Computers have the ability to make predictions on some of the vote.
most places used “precinct tabulation”, and counted ballots at the voting location as soon as the polls closed, not the next day
most places used “precinct tabulation”, and counted ballots at the voting location as soon as the polls closed, not the next day
You were talking about before the voting machines. The boxes were first sealed. They were often transported to a central location. And then the counting started, during daylight hours. Counting required at least 3 people, and took a day. Without machines, it took time to count the votes.