73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government


American Worker
(CNSNews.com) - Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United States over the last five months are in government, according to official data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In June, a total of 142,415,000 people were employed in the U.S, according to the BLS, including 19,938,000 who were employed by federal, state and local governments.

By November, according to data BLS released today, the total number of people employed had climbed to 143,262,000, an overall increase of 847,000 in the six months since June.

In the same five-month period since June, the number of people employed by government increased by 621,000 to 20,559,000. These 621,000 new government jobs created in the last five months equal 73.3 percent of the 847,000 new jobs created overall.

So? It's been a tried and true method of bolstering the economy for a long time.

Since Obama was elected, the public sector has lost about 600,000 jobs. If you put those jobs back, the unemployment rate would be 7.8 percent.

But what if we did more than that? At this point in George W. Bush’s administration, public-sector employment had grown by 3.7 percent. That would be equal to a bit over 800,000 jobs today. If you add those hypothetical jobs, the unemployment rate falls to 7.3 percent
This is quite revealing about the source, although I haven't the foggiest idea where they got their numbers. It's a fairly clever piece of data manipulation.

Here's a chart of total government employment since June:


You'll notice that government employment is up over that period (though hardly as much as the source claims). Well, here's a year to date chart:


Government employment is down for the year.

And here's a longer view chart from the beginning of the Obama Administration:


ANd a longer view chart from the beginning of the GWB Administration:

This is quite revealing about the source, although I haven't the foggiest idea where they got their numbers. It's a fairly clever piece of data manipulation.

Here's a chart of total government employment since June:


You'll notice that government employment is up over that period (though hardly as much as the source claims). Well, here's a year to date chart:


Government employment is down for the year.

And here's a longer view chart from the beginning of the Obama Administration:


ANd a longer view chart from the beginning of the GWB Administration:


Doggy loves posting neocon teabagger RINO talking points almost as much as Ballgazer loves telling him what or where to post.
Doggy loves posting neocon teabagger RINO talking points almost as much as Ballgazer loves telling him what or where to post.

Whatever you think zombie fred, you are an idiot here just like you were there, tell us some of those mine shaft stories again,they were hilarious!
The crybaby cried for me to be banned. I left, and she is now here instead of there, just to be in my presence.

Must not be much demand for the unintelligible trolling 'posts' she writes or the massive spam of phony religious bullshit E-blowhard posts over there.

Their right leaning members are about down to 3 now, and those are insipid ass kissers.
(CNSNews.com) - Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United States over the last five months are in government, according to official data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In June, a total of 142,415,000 people were employed in the U.S, according to the BLS, including 19,938,000 who were employed by federal, state and local governments.

By November, according to data BLS released today, the total number of people employed had climbed to 143,262,000, an overall increase of 847,000 in the six months since June.

In the same five-month period since June, the number of people employed by government increased by 621,000 to 20,559,000. These 621,000 new government jobs created in the last five months equal 73.3 percent of the 847,000 new jobs created overall.


As I have said for years:
Obama is Bush III.
Then why didn't it work with the stimulus' -- plural.
I don't understand your question? Public sector job losses were occurring at a record pace before the stimulus. I believe the (smaller than requested) stimulus did indeed keep a number of public sector jobs, but as I recall, most of them were teachers/firemen/police.

When the second wave of stimulus spending was blocked, many of those positions were indeed lost. I believe the question should be one of how previous public sector hiring by Republican administrations was paid for? We could always resort to that method.
Whatever you think zombie fred, you are an idiot here just like you were there, tell us some of those mine shaft stories again,they were hilarious!

Ballgazer says jump and you jump, it's that simple.

lol, your flip'n houses and fifty thousand miles a year being everywhere at once lies were funny...now that you've turned yourself out for a fat chick they're funnier...
The crybaby cried for me to be banned. I left, and she is now here instead of there, just to be in my presence.

Nope, I never said anything about you getting banned, I did advocate that you shouldn't be banned when you went on a "ni**er" posting meltdown for an entire day...even the admin wanted to see you get owned come election day so it wasn't all that hard to do.

Must not be much demand for the unintelligible trolling 'posts' she writes or the massive spam of phony religious bullshit E-blowhard posts over there.

I was invited to post here by a poster who'd posted at AWE, which circumvents your little theory, it's just a coincidence - when I figured it out I thought it was fuck'n great that you're here trying to pick up pieces of your hate and angst right where you left off.

Too bad for you though, now most of this board knows that you're a piece of shit scumbag welcher.

Their right leaning members are about down to 3 now, and those are insipid ass kissers.

There's more than that, the neocon teabagger breitbart.com crazy fuckers numbers have been reduced though and for good reason...it's a great place for discussion now that you had little doggy follow you around the internet.
I don't understand your question? Public sector job losses were occurring at a record pace before the stimulus. I believe the (smaller than requested) stimulus did indeed keep a number of public sector jobs, but as I recall, most of them were teachers/firemen/police.

When the second wave of stimulus spending was blocked, many of those positions were indeed lost. I believe the question should be one of how previous public sector hiring by Republican administrations was paid for? We could always resort to that method.
You said public sector jobs were a tried and true method of bolstering the economy. We had several stimulus' and they all failed even though govt employees have increased at record rates.

Private sector employees are the ones who generate real revenue. Unfortunately, I doubt much hiring will be happening in the future. Businesses are girding themselves accordingly and making plans for the future.
You said public sector jobs were a tried and true method of bolstering the economy. We had several stimulus' and they all failed even though govt employees have increased at record rates.

Private sector employees are the ones who generate real revenue. Unfortunately, I doubt much hiring will be happening in the future. Businesses are girding themselves accordingly and making plans for the future.
I'm honestly having a hard time following you.

What stimuli are you referring to? A temporary influx of money is different than a hiring boom. The public sector hiring under the previous admins. wasn't temporary. Those jobs didn't disappear after a couple of months.

And I believe the record for public sector jobs under this admin is for losses, not gains.

Revenue is created when people spend money. It could be argued that a good chunk of public sector payroll returns via income taxes. What's left, goes into the economy and helps drive the private sector production.

I don't see the gloomy outlook that you do. It sounds like it would be best to wait and see what happens. There isn't a business in the world that will cut back in the face of increased demand.

Demand comes from putting money into the hands of the consumers, not the supposed job 'creators'. That term has become nothing but an innaccurate talking point.
You said public sector jobs were a tried and true method of bolstering the economy. We had several stimulus' and they all failed even though govt employees have increased at record rates.

Private sector employees are the ones who generate real revenue. Unfortunately, I doubt much hiring will be happening in the future. Businesses are girding themselves accordingly and making plans for the future.

I thought the 1% generated the real revenue?
You said public sector jobs were a tried and true method of bolstering the economy. We had several stimulus' and they all failed even though govt employees have increased at record rates.

Private sector employees are the ones who generate real revenue. Unfortunately, I doubt much hiring will be happening in the future. Businesses are girding themselves accordingly and making plans for the future.

It's funny that you garnered your political ideology via the internet - that you've evolved into a breitbart.com regurgitating sore loser parrot because of which.

Middleaged in your fifties and as fat as a cow on top of all your other character flaws and yet you still set yourself up with this crap.

What does your phone pal think Ballgazer? lol, whatever you tell 'em to think...doggy sure did turn out to be a sad little bitch at the end of the day.
I'm honestly having a hard time following you.

What stimuli are you referring to? A temporary influx of money is different than a hiring boom. The public sector hiring under the previous admins. wasn't temporary. Those jobs didn't disappear after a couple of months.

And I believe the record for public sector jobs under this admin is for losses, not gains.

Revenue is created when people spend money. It could be argued that a good chunk of public sector payroll returns via income taxes. What's left, goes into the economy and helps drive the private sector production.

I don't see the gloomy outlook that you do. It sounds like it would be best to wait and see what happens. There isn't a business in the world that will cut back in the face of increased demand.

Demand comes from putting money into the hands of the consumers, not the supposed job 'creators'. That term has become nothing but an innaccurate talking point.
I'm talking about the stimulus' created which was supposed to keep unemployment under 8%.

My gloomy outlook comes from looking at the current situation as well as some anecdotal evidence, plus the common sense that businesses will not be inspired to expand and make more money when it means simply paying more money to the govt. I talked to my attorney the other day, he said he has spoken to several clients and they are all making preparations as to how they are going to be laying off people in the coming year. All of the business people I know pretty much say the same thing, that it is going to make things much worse.

But hey, I would be very happy if they and I are all wrong. If tax hikes are really going to bring on an influx of hiring and new entrepreneurs, I'll be all for it.

I don't like what I'm seeing, Althea, and no matter how many skewed news reports come out, it doesn't square with reality on the street, IMHO.
I thought the 1% generated the real revenue?
Do you not realize that the millions of jobs the 1% creates also pay taxes?

High employment is the best way to generate real revenue. If you took every dime duh rich possess, it would run the govt for like 9 days.